Berning ZH270 + AP Virgos = magic?

Anyone out there have an opinion about this combo?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjoe_stereo
I have never heard the combo in question, but am quite confident that it would be a good match. I own a 270, and have personally run a variety of different speakers ranging from Magnepans 1.6qr, and 3.6 to Dunlavy scIV/A's. I have also heard it drive a pair of full range Sound Labs. Not once did it seem underpowered or slow. In fact, quite the opposite. The ZH270 running the Magnepan 3.6 was quite a stunning combination. The Virgos From what I have heard are capable of very good detail and dynamics. This being the case the Berning might just be a match made in heaven.

Best of Luck,
Kris Kosiba
dear foilks

where is the best store to buy Bering ZH270? I owned Virgos.
and I am looking for good tube amp.

Hello Timchen,

I highly recommend Allan at I purchased my Berning through him and he is very knowledgeable, as well as being a first rate person. E-mail him, he will answer any and all questions you may have.

Best of luck,
