Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph

Hello All,
Just for a change of pace, I sold off my tube amp and I've gone back to using my pass aleph 2 monoblocks in my main system. I am interested in trying out another 'tubelike' amplifier, but with greater power. I can get more than the volume level's I want, I just don't have the bass slam that I want.

Has anyone compared the aleph series to the ayre's ? I am considering the 200w/400w(4ohm) v-1x and possibly the k-1 pre w/integral phonostage. I use 4ohm audio physic avanti's with a hotrod scd-1, basis 2500, and aleph P preamp.

One of the great characteristics of the pass labs equipment is that I can listen at moderately low levels and still get tremendous detail. I have read that the v-1 does not really open up at low levels.

Has anyone compared these ?
I've actually tried the wolcott 220Ms with my old magnepans. By a big ol mile the best amp I've heard with magnepans. I didn't try them with a dynamic speaker, but my friend who loaned these to me said they didn't really do it for his wilson's. I'm interested in experimenting with new solid state amps for now. Been through a couple tube amps in the last year.

onhwy61, I completely agree. I've really never heard anything like the pass labs amps for their low level detail. The closest thing sonically is my 10 watt SET tube amp. The clarity and presence are even more pronounced with the modified scd-1. Because of their bass slam, I am probably not going to try an aleph 1.2. I would guess they are not going to give me the low end I'm looking for. Also, I don't think I want new heaters with twice the output of my current ones !

What interests me about the Ayre amp is that it too has only 2 gain stages. The k1x pre is also reputed to have one of the best phono stages anywhere.

Has anyone out there tried the Edge NL10 amp monster amp ?
I had an Ayre V-3 for 4 years and replaced it with - IMHO - the best valued amp around.......a David Berning ZH-270.

At the same cost as an Ayre, and at only 70 watts and 10 lbs, the Berning plays louder, has MUCH better bass and delivers music like I always envisioned.

Forget "Tubelike solid state"......get a tube amp with bass and balls.
I would listen to a BAT VK-500. It added the appropriate low end energy without sacrificing the beautiful mids and highs in my system. Like the Ayre, it is a two gain stage, zero negative feedback power amp. Quite a bit cheaper than the Pass gear too.

I'm loving my Pass Labs Aleph 4 (same as the 2's but in the dual monaural format). I added a great subwoofer and love the combination. I heartily recommend that approach.