What is "critical listening"?

Is critical listening the art of finding nits on a bald head or a is it a hard fought for level of listening acumen and competence that prevents one from buying second rate equipment? If there is such a thing, does it enhance the listening experience or detract from it?

At what point is it safe or correct to self-anoint and wear the mantle of "critical listener"?
Critical listening would be for me a left brain activity,
as opposed to the right brained activity of just enjoying the music.

...You never know when the left brain is going to pop up and say: "hey wait a minute that sounded unatural or whatever ..."

My 2c :)
Josh: in my case the "left brain activity" calms down when I'm "vibrating" to the music. Then, it doesn't come up!
Here's a philosophical question. To get a good stereo you have to listen critically. After purchasing, the experts give the advise to "turn off" the critical listening and just sit back and enjoy the music.
Bit if you have picked a system by the method of critical listening and one which sounds good when listened to critically, how can you do this? It's a "critical listening system", not an "enjoy the music system" after all.