The Best Amplifier Ever ?

OK, let's get the straight scoop! Stereophile reviewers want to push the Halcro dm58 (and presumably the dm68) into a newly formed A+ category because it is the best amplifier ever. For a moment, let's assume something like a "best" can exist, at least for one person at a time. Is this the end for all other amps in the proximate price range? Paul Bolin used words like "jaw dropping" and "utter disbelief" -- Oh I know that journalists like that kind of thing, but Mr. Bolin basically says that nothing else comes close to comparison. No contest. Not in the same league. Even in Stereophile, I can't recall something quite that glowing (except maybe for the Boulder 2008 phono preamp). What do you think?
Bear, the Halcro dm58 specs are in the October 2002 Stereophile. The measurements are indeed phenominal. Virtually square square wave, all harmonics under -106 db, distortion basically just above the test instruments measurement capability and so on. Since not everything was or can be measured, the thing on all of our minds is always "How does it sound?" Looking for more reviews from those who've heard it. Thanks in advance.
Calling anything the "Best" is perhaps misguided. As Mikelavigne mentions, there are too many variables such as room size, treatments, speakers, cables, sources, etc. It all has to jive together. Maybe the reveiwer that made this system had complete synergy? With all due respect, I have heard Halcros and feel that they are a contender. Is there really any "Best"?

By the way, didn't TAS call the VAC 140's the "Best AMP Ever!" back about 5 years ago? How long did that last? Hmm ...
Maybe the "present best amp" is the more realistic way to go. The best ever is temporary, at BEST. I don't know about you guys, but my Lafayette receiver, still, after all these years, is a contender.
Hey, I know what your saying. I have a really old nikko, 19 watts per side, that I can not get rid of. I'll tell you the truth, and I'm not exagerrating, Its competency in reproducung bass, the complexities of it, the depth, the pinpointing, all that audiophile stuff it does. Thats with both tone controls up. Yeah, go figure. Amazing, and I know
that most of you will doubt it, but how amazing do you think engineers were in the late 60's?
This has now put the whole thing in perspective for me. If one were to find an amp, that did everything that your favorite amp did better, and that your favorite amp could not do better, in any way, in any area, then it COULD only be a matter of opinion, no matter what the opinion.
In my opinion, or IMHO, as some of you cats like to say, Stereophile mag could have come up with a better remark on their cover. If I were to say, "Audiogon is the best site ever", everybody would take that as I mean my opinion. But stereophile seems to come across as promoting the idea that they are the most accurate and knowledgeable, most trustworthy in their assessments, and that is just plain silly to see a cover like that.
To be honest, and I do mean humbly honest, I have read better, more trustworthy reviews right here on this site of late, by "reviewers" that weren't striving for much.
I hope I haven't ruined my credibility with this post, so you won't beleive me when I say, "audiogon-the best audiophile site ever!"
Ok, Il ring in here as an owner of DM58s.

First, built like no other amp, I have audiotioned and owned multiple Mark Levinson (to me there were the best of the best in built quality) The Halcros rank right up there with industrial looks and design.

Connectivity, one thing I liked about the Halcro was there ability of offer a switched option from RCA or XLR, yes, most amp have that but how many have a completely seperate switched design for either.

Service : Here again, I had an issue, they paid air fraight from here to Aus and return..all on there dime, they kept me in the loop of what was done and when it was estimated to be returned.

Sound : As it was stated a few time, to me, smooth detailed full of soundstage and complete from top to bottom. However, I went to CES last year and heard the VAC with the Pipedreams and there sounded so lush, detailed.. At that point I figuered I had made a bo-bo picking up the Halcro. But then they put on a piece that entailed some rather healthy punch and that is where the sound suffered.. many tube system suffer when punchy music, not all but many, this in my view is where SS amps take over. So, in summary, its a matter of taste, to the reviwer the Halcros fit the bill in his type of enviroment.. The Halcro are so honest to the music, its not even funny. Many other amps such as the VACs slightly "colour" the sound that maybe very very apealing to many.

If you want one of the best SS on the PLANET at any cost, the Halcros are there for the taking(at a price). For me, a perfect match to my Aero Audio Capitole MKII. But then again, I have yet to test the elite in Tube amps .. so nothing is forever, espcially in this hobby !!
