ICs for Supratek Pre

I am expecting my Supratek Chardoney to arrive in the next month or so and had a question for Supratek owners regarding ICs between pre and amp. My amp is a Bryston 4BSST and Bryston recommends balanced inputs; Mick is putting balanced outs on the Chardoney (I doubt these are truly balanced), but recommends RCAs. I realize that I will likely have to compare to determine what sounds better, but I was hoping for some advice on what the better bet is when faced with this situation. Thanks.
With my Supratek, I've settled on Audio Note Kondo KSL I/C's. A friend (who also has a Supratek) uses Audio Note Kondo AN-Vz.

I've tried just about everything (except Jena and Purist) and the IC's I have left are Audio Notes, NBS Statement and FIM Gold. I usually rotate the Statement and FIM when I change equipment. Sometimes the Statement is too much and in those cases I have found the FIM to be just right.

I think that overall, cables and their effects are relative to the system in which they are used. What's good for one system may not be good for others.

My advice would be to get something you "trust", a well respected cable for between your source and preamp - then try several cables between your preamp and amp until you have the sonic signature dialed in. That takes a while but the results are more satisfying.
Oh.. and if the Supratek has XLR output, I guarantee its not a truly balanced signal. Just get used to using RCA as long as you have the Supratek. I wouldn't trust the XLRs.

I agree that XLR's are cooler but truth is single ended cables sound just as good as long as the cable length is kept to a minimum.

I have a Cortese on order and Mick has assured me that its XLR outputs generate a fully balanced signal. I understand that you had some problem with Mick's XLR connections awhile back, but that was quite some time ago. I think those issues have been addressed in subsequent preamps.
Hi Jazzdude, Mick is the man and if he told you he's doing fully balanced then he must be - I know the Cortese has come with XLR outputs for a while now but this discussion was regarding the Chardonnay.