Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?

There seems to be an excessive number of Jeff Rowland products for sale on Audiogon. I happen to be one of the sellers. In the past there would be 8 or 10 items for sale but suddenly there are double that amount of items and they seem to be selling very slowly. Does anybody have any thought on why?
I gave my opinion above, but to reiterate, economics, and the desire to upgrade. I believe the newly released 302 has some Rowland owners drooling.
A friend of mine sold his Twelves on Agon and bought the 302 a while back and he says it is a quantum leap forward. He'a using Quad 989s and the Lindemann D-680 CD player with Nordost Valhalla throughout so you can see he is aware.
There can be no question about the impact of the 302 but I still think that while many are moving up, even more are moving out.
The item most prevalent on the for sale list seems to be the Model Two and going from that to a 302 is an unlikely leap.
By the same token, the only Concentras or Model 112s on the list are being offered from foreign countries. Old preamps (especially Consummates) are also pretty numerous. What would you guess is causing that?
I've noticed a ton of preamps also, but I don't know why. Maybe folks are venturing into tubed preamps as they get older and wiser.
I agree that going from a Model 2 to a 302 is unlikely. People may be going from the 2 to a Model 10 or 12 or 112, though.
Jfz, That may be their intention but sadly, they aren't going anywhere. What a bummer to have a $5800 amp that draws no takers at $2200. That's only 38% of retail on something that is still just like new. Look at the pictures of these amps in the ads. They look great.
If I take it to a personal level and ask myself why I don't want to buy one, the answer is that I have a Concentra. Perhaps the existance of the integrated is what has short-circuited the sale of basic amps.
Why aren't you (or anyone else) buying one of these Model Two amps?
Another issue to consider is the price and scarcity of the matching preamp. A Concentra can be had without phono for an average of $2750, whereas a Model Two and a Synergy One would set you back nearly $5000 if you get the best price ever to appear on Agon on both of them. That's a whopping big difference. Once you throw in appropriate interconnects, you've probably doubled the cost.
Pure speculation on my part but the numbers support the theory. However, who knows what anybody else is thinking?