Tube Pre for Digital Amp

I have a Carver Pro Class "t" digital amp and am wondering if anyone out there is using tubes in front, for their Bel Canto, HCA-2, Spectron amps? thanks...
I own the Spectron Musician 1 amp and have just found
the magic tube pre amp. It's not even known yet as
far as I know, but it is a Eastern Electric Mini Max.
It can be found at Galen Carol Audio, but sure who else
carries it at this time.

It sounds so dang good, I now have to live without a remote
which I would not believe I could ever do, but I guess
I have to get used to it now. I do not want to sacrifice
the magic I have now found.
I have a BC-21 tube pre in front of the PS Audio HCA-2 and the sound is very musical. Best of both worlds in my opinion.
It would seem that for those who are listening to digital amps with tubes in front, the phrase, "best of both worlds," would apply. -Dan
The website I just recieved:

Pretty much echoes my thoughts on the one review, I'm
sure we will be hearing more in the near futute.

Match made in heaven with
my Spectron amp & Audio Note 2.1x CDP.