Amplifier Recommendation for B&W Nautilis 804

I currently have N804's driven by Musical Fidelity a3CR amp and preamp. While I like the sound, I am finding the combo a bit lacking in weight, particularly in the bottom end. I'd like to see a little more punch in the music without losing detail that the a3 is known for. The A3cr is 125 watts into 8 ohms, and the 804's are rated from 50-200 watts into 8 ohms. I would spend up to 3000 for a noticable improvement.

Does anyone have a similar setup and/or any suggestions? Thanks.

Agree w/ all the people posting above because EACH one has recommended a power amplifier that is "brute" in terms of current sourcing/sinking capabilty. I own the 604S2 speakers from B&W & from my experience these speakers NEED a "brute" to power them. They "sing" when the volume is turned up a bit(evidence).

So, whatever you choose make sure that it has lots of lower volume level current sourcing capability. You are probably not going to exceed 50W from the amp so make sure that it can source ample current at that lower level. Obviously to buy a "brute" with some finesse will cost you money! This, IMO, is WORTH it 'cuz the more clean your power amplification, the better the N804 is going to sound.

If you satisfy these 2 criteria the N804 should sound very nice indeed (even tho I agree that you should have gotten the N803 or N802 right from the start! Budget is always a concern so just enjoy what you have).

Give it lots of clean power & it will delight you w/ its sound. B&W uses 4th order x-over ckts & this screws up the impedance curve ruling out the littler amps. My 604S2 says 90dB SPL & I thought that this would require a decent amp but I found that I really need a very good amp! The 90dB SPL had me fooled!

Agree with Cdc in that Plinius is not neutral to my ear - atleast not the SA-100 Mk3. The SA-102 might be better but I have not heard it. However, the SA-50 (50W/ch BUT class-A) might sound better than SA-100 Mk3.
Some of the bigger Parasound amps can source large currents. Their Halo seems to be more refined & on A'gon they even seem to be reasonably priced used.
No one has mentioned Pass Labs X series amps. They are expensive but the N804 will thank you.
Bombaywalla, great reply.

"So, whatever you choose make sure that it has lots of lower volume level current sourcing capability. You are probably not going to exceed 50W from the amp so make sure that it can source ample current at that lower level."

How do you know an amp meets this?
You got tons of good feedback. I have owned N805's, currently own N804's and am familiar with two more systems with N804's and N803's.
With N8XX speakers, wimpy amps need not apply, period! Even the N805's that I used to own didn't wake up until I put a gutsy amplifier on them (a Krell).
Also, go immediately to the Sound Anchor website. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Instead, spend $225 and get a pair of their dedicated speaker stands. I did. The other three guys that I know who own N804's and N803's heard mine and now have these stands. All four of us got a substantial improvement. Money very well spent!
Best of luck and have fun.
I got a good deal on used N804s one time. They had a beautiful cabinet and all but my new Paradigm Reference 100.2s have a much more pleasing sound quality. B&W lack weight - just as you said. I am glad I got rid of the 804s. Arthur

Unfortunately, there is no standard procedure to determine this! Nothing in the spec will show you this either!

It will be determined by the listener him/herself. If the store you are auditioning the B&W has a number of amp brands try on the smaller ones & then some of the bigger ones. You will hear the sound diff. The bigger amps will lend more authority & weight to the sound + they will sound "right".

All these terms are fuzzy & each person's ear is diff. so the definition of "authority", "right" is all subjective & I cannot exactly define these for you. I can tell you that the bigger amps sound much better w/ B&W.

Sorry for such a non-commital answer! It's very subjective.