M. Logan Requests- Tube Suggestions in $1.5-2K??

You Logan owners. Currently using Parasound HCA3500. Want that silky tube warmth and power. The Parasound also run's so damm HOT! Suggestions welcome!
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I'm using the Rogue Audio M120 Magnums with my ReQuests and they sound amazing. I started with the standard issue M-120', which you can find used here on Audiogon sometimes in your price range. Mark O'Brian used the ReQuests to voice the M-120's when he was developing them, so there is a definate synergy.

I don't have my system listed here at Audiogon yet, but you can see it at the url below (mine is system #28). I will tell you that once you've tried tubes on your ReQuests you'll never want to go back.

Thanks for the suggestion's as i needed a starting point with so many options being available and i really wanted a perspective from Logan owners. Please don't hesitate to add more!
Pardon my ignorance but as a rule will tube's alway's run hotter than ss units? Again my Parasound HCA 3500 run's hot as it should i suppose due to it's size and power. Also, is there a minimum watt in a tube amp to drive these Request's properly, say 40 watt?
Also, my Requests are bi-wired at the speaker and also at the Parasound(bi-wired connect posts). Some other amp's don't have a bi-wire setup on the back of the unit. What do i do at the back of these amp's to retain my setup? Double the positive leads as one and the neg's as one?
Anyway, thanks fo the feedback! Love the ML's!
yes regarding the speaker wire hook up that is correct. VTL amplifiers are very cool running for tube amplifiers.
You might have a tough time finding a tubed amp or pair of them with enough guts for ReQuests that fits your price range, but have you considered a neutral SS amp and a tube preamp?
You may also consider a McCormack. I'm driving my SL3s with a McCormack DNA 1/B. While I can't compare the sound to the Parasound, I can say it is most musical to my ears, runs reasonably cool, and has dual binding posts at the rear for your biwire setup.
I've seen used DNA 1/As, DNA 1 Monoblocks, and even the odd DNA 2 in your price range.