M. Logan Requests- Tube Suggestions in $1.5-2K??

You Logan owners. Currently using Parasound HCA3500. Want that silky tube warmth and power. The Parasound also run's so damm HOT! Suggestions welcome!
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yes regarding the speaker wire hook up that is correct. VTL amplifiers are very cool running for tube amplifiers.
You might have a tough time finding a tubed amp or pair of them with enough guts for ReQuests that fits your price range, but have you considered a neutral SS amp and a tube preamp?
You may also consider a McCormack. I'm driving my SL3s with a McCormack DNA 1/B. While I can't compare the sound to the Parasound, I can say it is most musical to my ears, runs reasonably cool, and has dual binding posts at the rear for your biwire setup.
I've seen used DNA 1/As, DNA 1 Monoblocks, and even the odd DNA 2 in your price range.
You may want to check out Classe Audio as I use two Classe 25 amps with the Class CP-60 preamp with my Ascents and the system sounds nice. I find the Classe amps work great with Logans, I also use a Sonic Frontiers SDF-2 tube D/A which matches well also.
Go to martinloganowners.com as you can get lot's of good info! Happy Listening!
Thanks for your suggestions, i am currently looking at some Rogue mono's, now! However i'm confused with the watt rating's,sorry about my ignorance in this regard but i need to know what the adequate watt rating in the tube amp's would be(A class? right?) Do my Requests need 40-80-120watt's in the tubes? Like i mentioned above i have the HCA 3500 Parasound(350 watt @8ohm) and it sounds ok but it runs super hot! Thanks for reading this elementary crap but before i go wild on tube amp's i want to verify the right power rating for the Logan Request's.

