Amp Suggestions

Suggestions in the $4k to $5k used range. CAT SL-1 and Martin Logan Sequel II's. I am torn between tubes and ss. Thanks.
With that setup I'd go tubes all through. The Jadis 30, as suggested above has not enough power. Within your price range the Antique Sound Lab Hurricane monos,($4400 new) which HP raved about in TAS, would be ideal, I find. Don't go for less.....
Parasound Halo, McCormack 500, Pass X-250 are all very good choices as is the Edge amps.
My vote goes for Classe but consider a tube preamp or D/A, I ended up with a tube D/A over the tube preamp, also you may consider bi-amping which helped for me as the system is more musical, synergy...
Happy Listening!
Atma-sphere OTL. Very dimensional and rich. The antithesis of lean. No grain. Somewhat soft on the bottom (except MA-2) but not lacking in quantity. Extremely musical sounding. There are more but I could not resist mentioning this one.
My disclaimer: I'm not crazy about tube amps.

I think that there is no way that you could go wrong with Classe or Levinson. I also think that Jsawhitlock's suggestion that you consider a tube preamp is very interesting.

Good luck!