Amp Suggestions

Suggestions in the $4k to $5k used range. CAT SL-1 and Martin Logan Sequel II's. I am torn between tubes and ss. Thanks.
Parasound Halo, McCormack 500, Pass X-250 are all very good choices as is the Edge amps.
My vote goes for Classe but consider a tube preamp or D/A, I ended up with a tube D/A over the tube preamp, also you may consider bi-amping which helped for me as the system is more musical, synergy...
Happy Listening!
Atma-sphere OTL. Very dimensional and rich. The antithesis of lean. No grain. Somewhat soft on the bottom (except MA-2) but not lacking in quantity. Extremely musical sounding. There are more but I could not resist mentioning this one.
My disclaimer: I'm not crazy about tube amps.

I think that there is no way that you could go wrong with Classe or Levinson. I also think that Jsawhitlock's suggestion that you consider a tube preamp is very interesting.

Good luck!
It may be too soon, but I may want to second Detlof's suggestion of The ASL Hurricanes. I have them now and I am still burning in the tubes. I also did some rolling on the 6SN7's from the stock version to NOS Sylvania's. As of now, and with 50-60 hours....I say this amp is starting to really sing. I hope to do a review in a few weeks......