Power + a bit of warmth for $2K or less?

I need a high current amp for hungry speakers - close to 200 w into 8 ohms with near-doubling into 4 ohms. But would also like refinement, and a teeny bit of warmth. Used is what I am looking at.
Some candidates at the moment are: Bryston 4BST/SST, Aragon 8008MkII, and perhaps Spectron Musician II. This last one is a dark horse; not sure what to make of it. Does it do well into 4 ohms? Sure, the numbers are high, but it goes from 500 into 8 to 600 into 4, only a 20% increase...?
Any suggestions for other amps that fit the bill? Attractive looks certainly not a drawback either.
Find a Krell Ksa-150 that has been back to Krell in the last couple of years..you can find these at around $1,700-$2,000. I don't know about the Spectron (I have never listened to one), but this amp has what you are looking for and has plenty of power. It will drive 1 ohm load with no problem. It does not run near as hot as it's big brother (Ksa-250).

Try the Cary Audio Cinema 2 Solid State Power Amp.

It's in the $2,500 range and offers 200 Wpc into 8 ohms times 2 channels or 350 Wpc into 4 ohms.

And what other company knows how to make an amplifier more warm and natural sounding better than Cary Audio?

This is a very musical and powerful piece of gear and a real bargain for the $$$ Money.

Read the following review on the Cary Cinema 5

I have lathered about the new AVA 550EXR as being one beautiful, natural sounding amp. With a tube input stage this amp has magic and power in spades. Lifelike, fully resolved, beautiful midrange with all the power and clearity of the best SS. ($2099.00) At twice the price a must audition! good luck.