Power + a bit of warmth for $2K or less?

I need a high current amp for hungry speakers - close to 200 w into 8 ohms with near-doubling into 4 ohms. But would also like refinement, and a teeny bit of warmth. Used is what I am looking at.
Some candidates at the moment are: Bryston 4BST/SST, Aragon 8008MkII, and perhaps Spectron Musician II. This last one is a dark horse; not sure what to make of it. Does it do well into 4 ohms? Sure, the numbers are high, but it goes from 500 into 8 to 600 into 4, only a 20% increase...?
Any suggestions for other amps that fit the bill? Attractive looks certainly not a drawback either.
Try the Cary Audio Cinema 2 Solid State Power Amp.

It's in the $2,500 range and offers 200 Wpc into 8 ohms times 2 channels or 350 Wpc into 4 ohms.

And what other company knows how to make an amplifier more warm and natural sounding better than Cary Audio?

This is a very musical and powerful piece of gear and a real bargain for the $$$ Money.

Read the following review on the Cary Cinema 5

I have lathered about the new AVA 550EXR as being one beautiful, natural sounding amp. With a tube input stage this amp has magic and power in spades. Lifelike, fully resolved, beautiful midrange with all the power and clearity of the best SS. ($2099.00) At twice the price a must audition! good luck.
Krell KSA100mk11 saw one for sale on AG for apr. 1100.

Warm tube like sound 100 watts high current can drive anything.
Don't know offhand if it doubles into 4 ohms or not, but I found the Marsh A400s to have a very refined presentation with lots of tonality and natural detail. It's very good looking in an understated and tasteful kind of way, and it comes in very close to your price range. From what you described you're looking for this amp's character should fit almost perfectly. I would not think either the Bryston or the Aragon would give you what you're looking for, and the Specton being a digital amp would seem unlikely to add a little warmth, although I've only heard it at shows so I don't really know.

Don't know if the power characteristics are there, but you might also consider a Conrad Johnson solid state amp, and I'd also echo the Classe recommendation. Best of luck.