Which amplifier to drive B&W Nautilus 802?

Can you help me which amplifier match my Nautilus 802.
How many watts do I need.
I have the N801 and having tried the following amps: Bryston 4BST, CJ Premier 11a, Pass X250, and now Pass X350, I am convinced that high-powered solid state is the way to go. 200 watts/ch is the minimum. These speakers will handle as much power as your amp can output.

Looks like a lot of people are suggesting bi-amping them as well. I will have to go try that...some day.
Tubes give a very nice sound to B&W's. However, you cannot drive them well without high wattage amps. You can use as little as 100 w. per channel, i.e. Audio Research VT100, etc. You will, however, not obtain the ultimate in sheer muscle unless you go to more like 200 w. of tube power. The Pass X350 is certainly a good choice as well, and I have heard it on these.
Don't know if I'm to late to help. I've owned N802's for two years I Bi-amped them with two crown DC300As'150 watts per channel. They sounded nice. I then stepped up to a modified PSA which pushes 480 per side. The bigger amp really made them sing. I no longer Bi-amp but do bi-wire, (kimber bifocals)My advice is get the biggest solid state you can, they love power. I've wanted to go tubes but am afraid that I couldn't aford one with enough power to do them justice. My next step will be a pair of serious mono blocks, minimun 300 watts. happy listening
If you can demo Edge amps with the 802's do so. They are smooth and natural with no loss of detail. If you can't afford the NL series try an M8 (which I personally own) or the new G series. With how great they sound I am surprised there is not more written about them.