Splitting Preamp Output--Affect Sound Quality?

If I used a Y-splitter to divide the output from a preamp between a sub and a power amp, would this compromise sound quality?

hard to generalize: the length of the cables and varying that aspect might improve or damage to sound quality, with the resonances and impedances being affected. I am NOT an expert in that area, just pointing out that it could have a srious effect, or none. depending on the electronics, and the cabling involved!
It's a "you have to try it to find out" sort of thing.
I would say theoretically yes it would have some adverse effect. but in practice, in your system, hard to say.

I've been using Phoenix Gold RCA Y-splitters at the back of my Blue Circle BC21 feeding a 2 channel power amp and subwoofer amp and have been quite happy doing so.

Last year I compared the BC21 against other preamps that have two sets of outputs and still preferred the BC21. I realize this doesn't technically address your concern about splitters, but more so differences between preamps.

The BC21 was my favorite. But you're right, I really should see how it sounds without the adapter. I have no way of attaching a subwoofer without it though.

What components are you using or contemplating configuring in this fashion?

If you use a good quality splitter there should be no difference between sound from a pre-amp that has an extra set of pre-outs wired in for convenience.

The issue, in my opinion, has less to do with the Y-connector itself (as long as it's decent) than it does with the impedances of the amp and sub. With the Y-connector, their input impedances are paralleled and, if equal, the preamp sees half the load as with the amp alone. If the preamp can handle this (and most can), fine.

Another issue is the relative impedances of the two paralleled loads. If one is significantly less than the other, it will shunt signal current from the other. Again, this may or may not be a problem depending on the values and the preamp.

I, for one, use a preamp with multiple individually-driven outputs so such issues do not apply.
Thanks for the responses. I currently have an NAD C370 integrated amp with two preamp outputs. I was just wondering how I would handle my sub if I decided to upgrade to something like the Creek 5350SE.
