New Lamm M1.2 vs. M1.1

I'm considering going the Lamm route to drive Wilson WP7's. The Lamm hybrid looks like it could be a good match.

Has anyone had the chance to listen to the new M1.2 hybrid amp? How does it compare to the now obsolete M1.1?


Bob Crump: you've commented many times in various threads about the break-in required on the JC-1s. I don't doubt you, but I'm curious why these amps seem to need so much, and why isn't there something Parasound can do about it. I mean, new purchasers of these amps must go through some real pain and frustration (I hope they are being adequately warned, but a lot of buyers wouldn't believe the warnings anyway and would just go straight to disappointment). Is there something about the design of this product that makes it special in this regard?

(Apologies if you've addressed this question elsewhere.)
All amps I am aware of take about two months to settle down and stop being a moving target. AC, the signal, takes about thirty days to settle down and the DC portion of the amp takes a minimum of 45-60 days to settle down. At sixty days you will find most amps are a bit too sweet and most folks look in their cable library to find something brighter than what they used at 30 days....I voiced the JC-1s for complete warm-up and complete break-in and to be just slightly warm of neutral when fully cooked. The unit uses some exotic rectifiers, hyperfast/soft recovery types, that just take a while to settle down. I am not aware of other amps that utilize these except those in the aftermarket that modify amplifiers. The JC-1 is a factory hot rod and is the best we can do in a very powerful SS amp built without much in the way of compromises. Just went through break-in here of my personal set of JC-1s and the nastiest part was as I neared 30 days the amps just got thin in the lower mids/upper bass. They spent almost thirty more days sounding like tube amps and woke up at about two months with an attitude......Oh, I am not a dealer any longer for the amps (ran out of preamp customers more than a year ago) and I do not work for Parasound except on a per job basis.....I wanted Bob to know that the thin sound goes away at a month before he gave up and spent a lot more money for other amps.....
In response to Mikelavigne
My Lamm M1.1s don't have any problem controling of providing high output with my Wilson Watt Puppy 7's. Remember these are a nominal 4ohm speaker (they don't dip below 3.7ohm) and they are 93-94db efficient. I don't know what kind of power requirements you need, I used an EAD Powermaster 2000 prior with 1000watts into 2 channel's and the LAMM has AMAZING speed and control over the EAD which was awesome in it's own right. The bass is even tighter and images even better.

I still would like to try some ML1.1's on my WP7's.