Perreaux 350P

Anyone have any experience with this amp? Thoughts on driving N802's with it? Thanks
Hi-Fi: Thanks for the clarification, but i'm almost sorry i asked. You should have pointed out your affiliation before having to be asked. Sean
The Perreaux products I heard in the past lacked dynamic contrasts.. well there were not any. Thin to the point of being anemic.These in tow of B+W's would create laser burn around your ears..Sounds as if a dealer may have gotten 120 day billing on stock items and 180 days on the store demo's..Tom
Tom: I agree. Some early Perreaux models were thin almost to the point of being anemic sounding. They re-designed the power supply / manipulated internal impedances and things really warmed up a lot. After that, it would appear that their amps went through many design revisions. While i haven't heard the latest models, i specifically remember Art Dudley mentioning that a small speaker system at one of the shows sounded very good and had incredibly powerful and controlled bass response. The amplifier being used? Perreaux.

A local dealer here in Chicago had some newer models in a few years ago. Upon initial firing up, they would pop the breakers on the circuit. After the initial in-rush surge, he could then reset the breakers and the amp would fire up normally. His primary comments on the amps when i asked him about them were "the most thunderous bottom end i've ever heard from any amp ever. Phenomenal impact".

Obviously, some things have changed over time. Sean