Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
Rafael, forget the specs and listen.
Tbg, cables too!
I prefer listening to music and not all the other stuff but sometimes it has to be done (unfortunately).
Rja Yes,you are wright.It`s a matter of listening.Today I will receive the furutech gold connectors, I will assembly them and then I`ll have a conclusion.I hope they`ll fit well in my system.If not, I think I will return to the wattgate brass connectors that this cable originally had, and have a glass of good wine and just listen.Sometimes is a bit tiring trying to improve, you could make a step forward, aside or even worse... a step back.I`ll wright my conclusions after this trial.Thanks to everybody and keep in touch!Rafael
Rja, I don't think comparative listening really helps with outlets, cartridges, speakers, or ac plugs and IECs. Cables, however, are easier.

I have done a lot of comparing with outlets, speakers, plugs and IECs. I have found this very helpful.
Dear fellows.Yesterday I assembled the PAD musaeus power cord with furutech FI-11-N1 gold.I must say that what really surprised me was the soundstage that generate these AC plugs.It`s just opened it to all my listening room( before with other plugs ,it was situated in the line of speakers and a bit behind)So it`s like being hearing with headphones and you have the experience to be IN the music and not In front of^Incredible!Regarding general performances, the voices sounds bigger, opened and velvety, strings with much more body, the bass has increased respect to Rhodium^s Furutech version and it is not as tight as it was( so for me, better).Details are present, not as overexposed as Rhodium makes ,but the neccesary to make a real, natural, pleasant listening(before with Rhodium I had a lot of these microinformation but unbalanced with the bass section,that was louder and tight and the mids that sounded like forced)So my conclusion is that (In my system) Furutech gold is the one I need.I`m sure that Rhodium`s plugs are excellents for other sistems.I hope this experience will be useful to others.Regards and many thanks for your comments! Keep in touch!Raf