$2500 amp and pre/pro

Ok, my receiver just died. The good news I can now move on to separates and finally hear the full(er) potential in the rest of my equipment. The bad news is I'm off to medschool and, for the next several years, will redefine poor. I will be buying used off A'gon--if at all possible, I'd really like to stay under $2500 for the pair. Here's the rest of my system.

4 Vienna Acoustic Bach's
Rel Storm III sub
Pioneer 47a player
some crappy cambridge soundworks center speaker

Multichannel amps that seem to be in my price range are sunfire cinema grand, B&K, Outlaw I guess--though I don't like that option much--not really sure what else. Vienna Acoustics are warm speakers and I'm concerned that warm sounding amps might make them sound dark.

I'm really stuck when it comes to a pre/pro. They all seem to break the bank. Video switching is not crucial, SACD + DVD-A input is however. I'm also leary of processors that disable the sub in two channel mode. The Bach's are only rated to 38Hz (which I think is a stretch) and I really like to be able to use the REL to fill out the sound while in stereo.

Although I'm looking for a multichannel setup, this system will be used 90%+ for music. I enjoy two channel and multichannel alike. Movies come a distant second.

Any ideas are welcome. Thanks
Yes, Anthem customer support can leave a little to be desired. Lately, in the high-end industry, customer service is a forgotten art. I've been trying for two weeks to buy speakers for a friend and nobody wants to take the money. I'm sitting here with $8K in cash and can not get any dealers to return my calls.

Good luck,

I like the Anthem suggestion as well. If I were to upgrade my HT, I'd definitely look into them. One thing though. I'd consider adding a Vienna Acoustics Maestro or Theatro center channel to your system. I think it would improve everything along the front wall.

Prpixel, hopefully if some dealers are browsing these forums they'll take heed and be nicer to you. Are the dealers you've contacted local to you or were they accessed through Audiogon?

They are local. Looks like they are more interested in custom install work.
Well, I'm about to commit the cardinal audio sin--buy without hearing first. I figure I'm buying used and could resell without too much of a hit. It looks like the avm2 is what I'll try.

However, I'm still looking for a 5 channel amp. The Powermaster 1000 is my top choice, but rarely seen on the used market and a little too pricey. I keep coming back to a used sunfire cinema grand which runs...about a grand used. Anyone tried the anthem/sunfire combo? Or the Vienna/sunfire combo? Or any other thoughts as to musical amps in the sub $1500 used price range?
Ultraviolet, buying without hearing first is a virtue! You'll never know for sure until it's in your listening room, and as you said, you can always resell it.

Prpixel, yeah it seems more and more places are concentrating on AV sales and installs. You'd hope they would be smart enough to treat all their prospective customers with respect, especially the ones with serious intent to buy and 8 grand burning a hole in their pocket.