$2500 amp and pre/pro

Ok, my receiver just died. The good news I can now move on to separates and finally hear the full(er) potential in the rest of my equipment. The bad news is I'm off to medschool and, for the next several years, will redefine poor. I will be buying used off A'gon--if at all possible, I'd really like to stay under $2500 for the pair. Here's the rest of my system.

4 Vienna Acoustic Bach's
Rel Storm III sub
Pioneer 47a player
some crappy cambridge soundworks center speaker

Multichannel amps that seem to be in my price range are sunfire cinema grand, B&K, Outlaw I guess--though I don't like that option much--not really sure what else. Vienna Acoustics are warm speakers and I'm concerned that warm sounding amps might make them sound dark.

I'm really stuck when it comes to a pre/pro. They all seem to break the bank. Video switching is not crucial, SACD + DVD-A input is however. I'm also leary of processors that disable the sub in two channel mode. The Bach's are only rated to 38Hz (which I think is a stretch) and I really like to be able to use the REL to fill out the sound while in stereo.

Although I'm looking for a multichannel setup, this system will be used 90%+ for music. I enjoy two channel and multichannel alike. Movies come a distant second.

Any ideas are welcome. Thanks
Thank you all for your responses. This is where I stand right now: It's still between the AVM-2 and the Soundstage for the processor. I'm leaning toward the AVM-2 because, while the reviews are glowing for thw Soundstage, I've run across the occasional comment about a lack of dynamics and my speakers need all the punch they can get.

I really like what I read about Aragon amps. They seem to be the poor man's Krell. The first time I heard Krell was in a shop on B&W speakers and the sound made me cringe. Later I heard them on Vienna Acoustics and it was the best I've ever heard these speakers sound. I can not afford a Krell, but I am looking for an amp that has these characteristics. The problem is the Aragon is really stretching the budget. Ender, you seem to have a good suggestion, but I listen to a lot of multichannel SACD and DVD-A--I also have the same speakers in the rear as my fronts and for this reason would really like to have equal amplification for all channels. The 8008X5 Aragon is just more money than I'm willing to spend though. Do you know anything about the 2005? It's a bit less money, just wondering what the tradeoffs are. I'm still seriously considering picking up a Sunfire Cinema Grand. I haven't heard a thing about this amp paired with my speakers, but as far as wattage and current go, I can't find anything that can beat this for near the price (~$1000). I guess If the sound isn't to my liking I could always resell...
Aragon Soundstage lacking in dynamics? That's something new for me and four others who have owned it (between us, we have owned 60+ 5.1 capable components). We all bought the Soundstage for dynamics, clarity/detail, and soundstage.

If the 8008x5 is too much money, then get the 8008x3 for ~ 1200 and the smaller/older 2004 125x2 for your rears. You can always upgrade the 2004 to an 8002, 8008st, or 8008bb in the future.

The 2005, as all new Aragon 200x series amps, is a rebadged Acurus amp, in this case, the Acurus 200x5. Not in the same league as classic Aragon amps.

So the sherbourn pre/pro and 5/1500A combo edges out your $999 NAD receiver. I would hope that it did. I'm not saying the Outlaw processor is a bad product. In fact, it's a bargain at $800. What I'm saying is that the Anthem AVM2 is in a differnt league. I've had both the Anthem and the Outlaw (borrowed from a friend) in my system and the Anthem is better. It should be at 4 times the price.

I called Sherbourn and ask them what the difference was between the outlaw and the sherbourn processor and the said that they used some different caps and other things but would not go into detail. The dealer were I purchased my Sherbourn 7/2100A let me pop the top on the Sherbourn processor. I sat the outlaw right beside it and the two of use could not find any differences. They even operate the same way.

I like my sherbourn 7/2100a a lot. I consolidated by HT rig, which consisted of a pair of Aragon Palladium 1K's, and aragon 8008BB(pre-klipsch), a sars MOS400 and a pair of NAD A1 mono's down to just the Sherbourn 7/2100A. Think of all the money I saved on powercords!
Ok, I'm still mulling this decision. I had pretty much decided on picking up an AVM 2 and then I came upon this page here which compares the avm 2 to the avm 20 v1 and v2. I've heard from some who moved from the avm2 to the avm 20 that, sonically, it was a lateral move. How about all of those soundfield modes--do you avm 20 users use them? Basically, is the avm 20 worth the extra $700-800 over the avm 2?

Things that look useful to me in the avm 20 are the soundfield modes, and the bass management for multichannel analogue inputs and separate x-over settings. I have no need for more/better video switching. I'm not trying to keep up with the Joneses, I'm just worried about buying something that's obsolete before I even hook it up...