What speakers for 300B S.E.T ??


Recently i heard a 300B based Audio electronics SE-1 SET amp + AE-3 pre with Lowther Academy speakers & was quite impressed with the immediacy,dynamics,soundstaging
& basically the whole presentation.

Now i'm very keen to try this to see if this is the kind of sound i would enjoy for a long time.Only way to know this i guess is to try it at home for an extended period of time. My previous exrerience has been with high powered SS .
( For ref : Supratek Chardonnay tube pre + Mac MC352 + TDL Ref studio monitors ) This is my first venture into low powered SET. I love the sound of my present sys. but the SET is a different experience.

Un fotunately my present speakers( 87db ) would not support the 7 watts the AES is capable of. The Lowthers are too expensive to experiment with. My goal is to keep the costs
low as possible . I shall very much appreciate your recommendations for high-sensitive monitors or small floor-standers ( HORN ??? ) preferably under $1K . This could very well end up as a second sys or it could go further.....

So what does everyone use with less than 10 magic watts ????
Howard, I found that this project was very rewarding and enjoyable to do. If is alot of fun to play with single-driver systems, because alot of the complexity of making speakers(crossover design and building/tweaking) is eliminated. Basically if you can do a good job of putting the cabinet together, you'll have good results. This is already a proven cabinet, and has been around for about 70 years now, originally designed by P. Voigt who was the original designer of the Lowther driver. Also, as can be seen by the Cain & Cain Abbey, and some other Voigt Pipe designs commercially available, this cabinet has the characteristics of working as intended, even when a variety of drivers are used. Fostex 8" Sigma drivers work fine, all the 8" Lowther drivers, AER 8" drivers, REPS-1 drivers, even little FE-103(4") have been used successfully in these Voigt Pipe cabinets. That's one of the things that makes Voigt Pipes so popular with DIY people.

One of the key issues with Voigts is to make sure the cabinet stuffing is done right, or the tonal balance will be off because of the lack of "blending" the port output with the direct radiator output. This has to be done properly. The cabinet stuffing determines how strong the midrange output will be, and has an big effect on the flatness of the frequency response. If you have too much midrange coming from the port, then there is a hump in the midrange response(and also an imaging shift) and below, and if you don't have enough, then there is a dip in the midrange response and below. Adding more stuffing makes less midrange output of the port, and taking away stuffing makes more midrange output at the port. You strive for an even balance, so that the port does not call attention to itself.

Many articles on Voigt Pipes make a big issue out of the possible "comb filtering" effects of the interactions of the direct radiator and the port mouth. They say it results is some harmonic cancellation of certain frequencies that are multiples of the cabinet resonance tuning. In practice, I have observed none of this, and either I got very lucky, or they are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. I wouldn't worry too much about comb-filtering on these.

Lowthers and most single-drivers take a very long time to properly break in. The mids and highs come in quite early, but the bass response is weak until at least 100 hours of play time. It continues to improve up to around 500 hours of play.

Even after break in, there can be a desire for a little more bass impact, and the "swinging door" mods that I designed and implemented on my speakers address this issue. It is related to the boundary effect, and wave-launch off the front baffle, and it is called "baffle-step loss". The narrow cabinet fails to reinforce the lower frequencies and results in a 5db loss in response below about 128Hz. The wider baffle face that is provided by the "swinging door" mod handles this by acoustically providing the added surface that is needed.
Twl,Howard & everyone elese who chimed in, THANKS A LOT !

The voigt pipes are on top of my list. They would work perfectly for me as they are not very deep in cabinet size. They look quite intriguing as well. I have alredy consulted a friend who has built Lowthers before & he will be able to get me an estimate for the project. Twl, thanks for the offer to help. I will check with you regarding the bass enhancements you did when the project takes off.

As i mentioned earlier this is my first time with SET's so i hope you would'nt mind answering a few more questions along the way.

(1) I heard lowther drivers have a limited life-span . How long is this & is this specific to each driver model. How long would you give the EX2 & EX3 drivers.

(2) I was going to buy the AES SE-1 power amp but now there's an opportunity for me to buy an Audio Note Kit 1 based assembled amp. Ofcourse at a higher price ! Would there be a significant difference between the two. I can't listen to both in the same room & also they will be hooked to different front-end's speakers etc. What is your take on this ??
Dilly, the Lowther drivers don't really have a limited life span, it's just the cone/suspension surround which will degrade over time, just like any other driver. Lowthers use a foam type suspension surround, which probably lasts about 12 years or so. When it starts to go bad, you can just get them redone by the factory.

I can't comment on the particulars of those two amps you are considering.
AES SE-1 vs Audio Note Kit 1
While the AE SE-1 gives you a flexible of using either 2A3 or 300B, the Audio Note kit 1 has much better transformer and power supply.
If you plan to use 300B and Audio Note Kit One is the way to go. If you plan to go with 2A3 then you should consider Sun Audio SV2a3 or upgrade the stock AES SE-1.

Back to square one, the speaker has to match right with the amp. If you plan to get 94db+ speakers, then I would choose either type. Anything less then I would only choose 300B.

Choose the type of speakers first then buy the amp. It is easier to find the right match and it is also easier to swap amps then speakers.
There are fostex that are as good or better than lowther like fe208e sig or f200a or fx200,I owned lowthers best I perfer fostex but not the little drivers