mono amp for sub

What would be your choice for a true mono amp not a bridged one.The Bryston7b ST is what I would like but can't afford.Next please...
Try one of the many new digital amps...small, very powerful and fast. Some can even be found as mono-block. Of course a stereo unit can also be used with only one channel used unless you added another sub some day.

What sub are you using by the way and how much power do you need? How large is your room?

It shouldn't be a good sub amp with only 4 output devices per channel, but it is, the best for pace I know of so far, but then again, I haven't tried a Krell, Levinson, or other for a sub amp either.

Can find them used for about a kilobuck.

Kenwood LO7M (vintage from the 80's). DC coupled from input to output, and super for a SW amp. (Lots of luck finding one).