mono amp for sub

What would be your choice for a true mono amp not a bridged one.The Bryston7b ST is what I would like but can't afford.Next please...
Kenwood LO7M (vintage from the 80's). DC coupled from input to output, and super for a SW amp. (Lots of luck finding one).
Crown K1. Easy to drive, gobs of power, can be found cheap used, no fans, awesome bass.


I was in a similar situation to yours a couple years ago when I decided to try a better amp on my NHT SW3P. The NHT SA-3 mono amp wasn't cutting it. I also considered the Bryston 7B, but opted for a 4B instead just in case I decided to do a dual sub DIY. I still haven't built it.

I'm still using the 4B, and just one channel is much better than the NHT amp. Maybe you could go with an older 7B or 7NRB which should save you some cash as opposed to getting a newer 7ST or 7SST.

Otherwise, the Crown amp idea is a good one.

Good luck.