Any opinions on the eAR digital "Ice amp"

I would like some opinions on these amps. Contemplating purchase. the Linn Climax monos changed my thoughts about "ICE" based amps. I currently own Rowland 7's and 9's w bps. Thanks for your time!
I agree with Rx8man ti get the Henry Ho H2o amp. I am waiting for the arrival of mine. Bob
I'm curious about the eAR 202 & 501... the price is remarkable, but it's not clear from their web site how they are being positioned versus the eAR One or Two. Has anyone heard these new eAR amps or have any further info?
The eAR 202 and 501 are lower cost alternatives to the eAR One and Two. The main reason they are less expensive is that they use ICEPower ASP-series modules, which contain an integrated switching power supply, unlike the A-series ICEPower modules (like those used in the eAR One and Two) which require an ancillary power supply. Another reason for the price disparity is that the ASP-series has built-in short circuit protection. The A-series does not, so Peter developed his own proprietary circuit, and the cost of this development effort is reflected in the eAR One/Two's higher price. I understand that Peter modifies his ICEPower modules for improved performance, but despite this he'd probably concede that the ASP-series modules still don't sound as sweet as the A-series based amps. I haven't heard the 202 or 501, but I admit that at their prices I'm tempted to try one of them in a second system.