Jungson JA88D anyone?

Anybody own or have auditioned this amp? Any reliability issues? I'm considering a integrated amp with balanced inputs. How do you think it compares with the Krell Kav400xi?
Review is slated for Enjoy the Music. Wayne Donnelly has already finished the reviews. Not sure when it will be out. Originally anticipated to be out in April or May. Probably more like mid summer.

I haven't heard the Monoblocks. One Audio enthusiast went from either the 88D or JA1/JA99 to the Monoblocks JA50? JA100? and JA2 preamp. He seemed to feel it was a worthwhile upgrade and though it sounded more "organic". Thats the only feedback he posted.

Jungson uses Stepped attenuators 0-99 setting. The 88C ($400) lists "American Jeff Rowlands digital volume control technology" as one of the features, what ever that means.

I'm sure they are very good quality. Looking in the amp, although not a expert by any means, I don't see anywhere that they cheaped out. They are considered by many to be the top SS manufacturer in China. Jungson is also known as "the Chinese Krell". Based on build quality and their stature rather then sounding like Krell.

Speaking of not being able to afford the JA50's. One option might be to get the JA2 preamp paired along with the JA99C. This would basically be the 88D but with a much higher end preamp.

If your serious contact Andy at Sekei. His price and service can't be beat.

BW Maxx
My friends compared Korsun v8i and Jungson D88 (Thiel 2.2 speakers). They came to the conclusion, that the Korsun is quick, detailed soundprint with bass slam, and Jungson is like a tube amplifier: organic sound, wondeful midrange, bit slower and less bass slam. Maybe this helps also.
the Krell gear, to me all sounds hashy and hard in the high end, ok throughout the mid, and with tremendous bass slam. I owned the KAV300i for a period, and it melted down, enough so that the factory, to their credit replaced the unit. It was nothing like the Jungsen amp I have now. The Jungsen is one of two integrateds, I own, one is the (please don't throw knives, I am not a shill, a DK. While the DK is notably better, it costs a considerable amount more.) I think the overall sound of the Jungsen is sweet and musical, and stages nicely, and is well worth the price of admission.
Subjectivly one of the better values in audio. Plus it looks killer.IMHO it is much more musical than the Krell gear, and better looking...of course again subjectively.
Plus the inherent advantage of Class A design with no switching distortion, it is, given the price a no contest winner product.
It is not as fleshed out as the DK but a helluva product nontheless. The above post hits it dead square, when it talks about the organic sound. As far as speed, I think that speed, infers something not usually thought of in music, in terms of musicality, IMHO. Great sound for a low price.
A small cautionary note about the 88D. In the February 2005 issue of BFS, in which the 88D was listed as a "Component of Exceptional Merit," Marty stated that he had received complaints about damping material that turned viscous and smeared the inside of the unit. I also seem to recall reading posts to that effect not long ago, but could not locate them in either AA or AudiogoN.

The problem seems like a production flaw, not a design defect that affects the sound, so it should be relatively easy for the manufacturer to fix. Because this product is bought directly from the U.S. distributor, the purchaser should be able to get a straight answer about the situation before purchasing a new unit. If buying used, the seller should also be asked about the presence of this problem. Obviously from the favorable comments in this thread, not all units already in circulation have this problem.
Really great input.

(1) Korsun V8 and Jungson 88D are in the same price range and seem to be prime competitors. The V8 is a OEM for one of the Levinson amps that sells for around $7000. The feedback from your friend seems to parallel what others say about the 2 amps.

Korsun seems to be a high end integrated the follows the mold of classic SS. I think its rated like 250wpc. One thing that really impressed me about the Korsun was the use of dual 1000va transformers. The Jungson seems be more of a high end Hybrid amp, although it dosen't have any tubes. It is said to be sensitive to power cords and can be made to be super quick with the right cord.

(2)Exactly, Jungson may be known as the "Chinese Krell" but its sound from what others have reported is nothing like Krell. I hate to say negative things about a amp I haven't seen or heard myself. However there have been some posts on Audio Asylum by those who have looked in the KAV400 and haven't been real impressed by some of the parts.

(3) I remember reading something about a strange fluid found in one of the Jungson amps. I post on a private forum dedicated primarily to Jungson, but also includes other Chinese Audio. The "strange fluid" reports have been mentioned on the forum. But to my knowledge no one who posts there, has actually experienced this with their own amp.

Again you can contact Sekei if you have any questions about the fluid. They sell other brands. But Andy makes no bones about it he is basically a Jungson dealer.

BW Maxx