Best system for jazz?

My musical tastes have shifted and now I find I listen mostly to jazz with some classical, bluegrass and space music thrown in. I'm just curious what kind of systems provide the most enjoyment for you jazz fans?

I appreciate that you asked what we enjoy instead of asking us to dictate our tastes to you.

As a listener to jazz and classical music,I value the interplay of instrumental lines and the timbres of the instruments(including voices)in orchestrated combinations more than I value a speaker's ability to reproduce frequency extremes and dynamic ranges.

In my price range,after much trial and error,I'm happy with the Maggie 1.6 s. In my opionion,they require a reasonably dead wall behind them,at least five or six feet of "breathing room" and high current amplification.

I listen to jazz about 80% of the time ...old stuff, new stuff and fm radio ...WRTI Philadelphia ..jazz 6pm to 6am.

I like the sound of Klipsch classic speakers, at the present time I'm using the Forte I's . The amp I use is a Cary SLI-Signature in the triode mode. I'm hoping to upgrade to Cornwall's or Bell's in the future. I like the up front presentaion the high and mid horns give and the bass is all I want with a 12" woofer and 12" passive radiator.

As you can see from reading this thread, we are all over the map as to what we use. It comes down to personal preferences I guess.


That's certainly where I was going with my response as well. Larry, if your life can make room for Klipsch La Scala's, I highly recommend them. I think they benefit from a good subwoofer, but the midrange is glorious. For jazz & classical, the presence of trumpets, sax, violins, piano (and certainly vocals) is spine-chilling. No question, it's all a matter of personal preference, but IMO the classic horn line is an island of paradise dismissed all too often by distant passersby. If nothing else, they're certainly worth a listen.
So Drew, you comin' up to Sac-o-Tomatoes?
Yep, I guess it's true that there are many solutions for jazz (and for any
music). I'm not actually looking for a new system. I was curious what those
who like jazz a lot listened to to get the most of the experience. To me the
criteria that stand out would be that the instruments sound natural and that
the pacing be natural as well to keep up with the microdynamics and timing
swings. My Audio Note system does well, the Meishu tops at the first
criteria, but it's the deHavilland amp that is the king of pacing and
microdynamics. If only I could combine them into one box!

Howard, I appreciate the offer! Once I get past a hectic time here I'll see what
I can do.