Best speaker Cable matching Wilson Audio Sasha

Currently using Kimble Kables 8TC to connect the amp to the Sasha speakers. But would like to upgrade to better suit higher end gear. Amp is Plinius SA-Reference, source is Wadia S7i cd player/DAC. Plinius connects to the Wadia by Transparent MusicLink Super interconnects.

What speaker cable would be recommended for my situation? I would prefer to keep the cost under $3,500. Cable length would be 20 feet.
Well Audiolabyrinth, what cables do you recommend? Have you ever heard of TARA cables? That's what I have on my Wilson's.
I have to also recommend staying with Transparent. I have Wilson loudspeakers and was amazed when I placed both the interconnects and speaker cables into my system. I am also using Super cables. It sounds as if you don't want to stay with Transparent? Try and find a used pair on here and try them. I was against them until my local dealer brought over a pair for me to try in my system. The sound now emits from a black background with a really low noise floor evident on those recordings that can take advantage of it. The soundstage also opened up as never before. I now use all Transparent cables except for their p/c's.
Hi Zd542, what model Tara Cables do you have on your system?, everyone know's Tara Labs is my favorite cables above anything else, still, I do like Transparent cables, back in the day, Dan D Agostino when he was with krell, Dave Wilson, and Transparent cables were very good friend's, they started their business at the same time, and in turn, they use to have each other's equipment in one system for show audition's, do you remember that back years ago?
My focus is always on the end results. Because this will be
the sound you will get. The results can be influenced on many
different ways.

My question first is if you are using the series 1 or series 2
of the Sasha. I think when you use series 1 I would go for
copper. Because silver can cause some harshness in the mid and
high freq.

You need a long length and your max is (only) 3500 dollar.

Let me tell you this. I have done thousends of tests and still
counting. It never stops. As a perfectionist the best results
counts and everything what is less good is useless in my
world. When you test and listen to the best cables available,
you are aware of one thing. THEY ARE AN ESSENTIAL NEED. They
give you things even a poweramp which is 2 times as expensive
will not give you.

That is why I make my clients aware how to get the best
endresults for the money they want to spend. Results counts
most. This is how I work; to create a superior endresult
compared to any competitor. Audio is that simple. And that is
why the best and most convincing sound always will win. In my
world it does!! Outperforming other competitors is the most
fun in my job. And it gives you the biggest smile on your face
all the time.

3500 dollar for a 20 feet cable is not a lot, when you see to
the other parts of your set. I can garantee you that I could
have created a superior endresult when I would have spend the
money you spend on audio. All the parts togheter create the
endresults including the acoustics.

You speaker like any speaker has a level in quality. You want
to get the most out of the level in quality it can give.

I have proven that with the best loudspeakercables,
interconnects and powercables it is easier to create a higher
endresult than when you would spend this money on a more
expensive poweramp, pre amp or source.

I don't say that these parts are less important. Because they
are still extreemly important. You can spend the money only

I can garantee you that with the money you want to spend on
loudspeakercables it is not in balance of the rest of your
set. The weakest parts will still influence the endresults the

A few examples I used here at audiogone a few times. Test with
the Wadia S7i you also use. We compared a Heavensgate
powercable ( 2000 euro) against the Purist Audio Limited
Edition. The last one cost twice the price of the Heavensgate.
We are amazed that it outpefromed the Heavensgate on all parts
with a huge difference. We agreed that the level in quality
was even more than double with the Purist.

For a few months I own two sets of the latest Audioquest Wel
Signature xlr interconnects. They put listening to music to a
new level which I never experienced with any other system
regardless price. 2nd and 3th voices are so much more physical
and open and easy to hear. I never could hear the differences
in heights this easy. Even with sets of 400.000 euro I could
not hear it this good.

Transparent uses only copper and give a musical involving
sound. But........there is a big but.....when I compare it to
the best Audioquest cables you are stunned how much detail is
missing. How much lower the black level is. And how less sharp
the individual focus of instruments and voices are comapred to
the best silver cables of Audioquest.

When you own the series one I still think copper will work
best. But......silver will not work based on the properties of
your tweeter and speaker. I am sure you will choose for
copper. And I even understand. my world I know
you will miss details and separation with a lower black level
than what would be possible these days with other stuff.

That is why audio is all about properties. When you are aware
of each single property a speaker, cable, conditioner, amp,
pre amp and source owns you have a chance to get the best out
of it.