Need an integrated amplifire for totem forest

I listen jazz and would like to get integrated amplifire with tube pre.I also need a CD player to match.
It sounds like you want a hybrid amplifier (a two-in-one machine that combines pre- and power amplification stages in a common chassis, but with the pre- being tubed.) Is that correct?

It also sounds like you would like recommendations for a CD player as well to match your system. Is this correct?

Please let us know what your budget is. This will help narrow suggestions for both amp and cdp.

The Forests like power and I would suggest that you choose an amp with a decent amount of power. I have the Forests and have used them with an Arcam FMJ 32, but found this to be underpowered. The new Krell KAV 400 (200 wpc @ 8 ohms) does a fine job with powering the Forests, but this a fully SS unit. I now use the DK integrated (reported to be 160 wpc @ 8ohms) and like my current arrangement with an Arcam FMJ 23 cdp, although I am considering replacing the cdp. I have also heard the Forests with the BAT VK 300 and found this to a fine combination. The Forests also go well with some SS units that I have heard it with, including the Plinius 9200, which produces a more tube-like sound. Totem's own integrated is no longer produced, is HUGE, and I haven't seen many up for sale in the classified, but it does produce a nice sound (I believe it has 200 wpc @ 8 ohms??).

The Almarro integrateds, esp. the 318, are highly undrerrated, I own one and am using it to drive a pair of single driver crossoverless Diatone based speakers, and they are wonderful. They use the same output tubes as the Lamm $30.K amps!
Good Luck.
If you can afford it, I'd go with the BAT VK-300x. If not, check out Unison or Audio Aero, but I'd worry a bit about lack of power.
I believe that Achakh means the integrated with tube pre portion and SS output portion i.e. hybrid.
A few brands come in my mind i.e. Counterpoint or Joule.
Pathos or Unico would be too underpowered.