Need an integrated amplifire for totem forest

I listen jazz and would like to get integrated amplifire with tube pre.I also need a CD player to match.
The Almarro integrateds, esp. the 318, are highly undrerrated, I own one and am using it to drive a pair of single driver crossoverless Diatone based speakers, and they are wonderful. They use the same output tubes as the Lamm $30.K amps!
Good Luck.
If you can afford it, I'd go with the BAT VK-300x. If not, check out Unison or Audio Aero, but I'd worry a bit about lack of power.
I believe that Achakh means the integrated with tube pre portion and SS output portion i.e. hybrid.
A few brands come in my mind i.e. Counterpoint or Joule.
Pathos or Unico would be too underpowered.
get yourself a musical fidelity tri vista integrated amp - it is an exceptional product, and a used one can be had on the 'gon for only $3500 or so. the delicacy of a tubed output in the pre amp, and 350 watts of muscle in the power amp. a flat out great product! i used one with my forests for about 18 months, and the sound quality was nothing short of spectacular. scary imaging and soundstage, and absolutely unbelievable bass from such a small speaker. feel free to contact me directly for more details. the forests with the tri vista integrated amp is the foundation of a wonderful stereo system.
I too have Forests, but I'm close to buying audiomat's Opera ($7000) or their new Recital $(15000). Any thoughts on this combination would be helpful. Pure class A packs a lot of power even at 30 w. The Recital has 90 w.