Pre-amp upgrade: need help, Please - Bent Supratek

Hi all,
I need your advise to upgrade my preamp. My speakers are Ellis 1801b and the power amp is Van Alstine's latest incarnation of Dynaco ST 70 - the Ultimate ST70.

I do not have preferences regarding tubes or SS. I do not care about a phono stage either, as long as I am using a separate phono stage with its separate power supply.

My budget: $1100 - $1200 (for a used one).

I was considering a Supratek, or a Bent NOH. From the more commercial stuff I was thinking to Rotel RC-1090, Vincent/Shanling SA-T1, Cyrus PreX and Linn Kairn.

I use to be a bass guitar player in a progressive rock band - so I love the lows to be properly presented: dynamics, transients, slam and tightness - ALL should be there.

Also, I do not like harsh and strident highs and lows.

I need at least 4 inputs (preferable 6) and just one unbalanced output.

Thank you for your help.
l went from a Supratek to a Bent NOH and havent looked back. Love the transparency, imaging and stunning clarity of the Bent. No loss of dynamics, great bass. Works for me in MY system.

As the others have noted $1200 isn't going to get you a Supratek though. You could pickup a NOH if you can find one used or can wait until bent go back into production late this year.

The Modwright SWL 9.0SE got a terrific review on 6Moons recently. It uses two 5687 tubes, has 4 inputs and 2 sets of outputs. The SE costs $2200, but has a little brother, the 9.0, which sells for $1800. With the 9.0 you give up a remote control and a few upgraded parts. I recently read that Dan Wright had some beta units available. One of those might be near your target price, and offer you exactly what you're looking for.

The Modwright SWL 9.0/9.0 SE info page.

The 6Moons Modwright 9.0 SE review.