What SS Int Amp to match with Sonus Faber?

Hi all,

Need some inputs on SS Int Amp which would be a good match with Sonus Faber Speaker? Budget of about USD3K. Looking for tube-like sound.

The exact model is the Domus Grand Piano with sensitivity of 90dB and impedance of 4 ohms.

Many Thanks!
Hi. The best vocal I heard from a SF Concerto was from a Plinius 8200. Much better match then a Krell 400xi on the exact same setup. Also heard a wonderful match of SF Concertino & Jadis Orchestra Ref but it was under-powered.
There's a Sonus Faber Musica ss integrated for sale here right now (no connection). I would imagine that would be a perfect match, though I'm sure there are others.
Thanks for all the response.

Well I'm looking for amp with remote control , so the Musica is out for me.

As for the Lavardin, I'm not too sure will the 35W be enough. I have heard the Sugden A21SE (Class A, 30W) driving the Spendor S8E, and found the pair to be lacking in details and bass.

Unfortunately we don't have Cairn dealer here in my country.

I did considered tube, the Cary SLI-80 in particular, but Cary stuffs are kinda overpriced here.

Many Thanks!
I'm using the Pathos Classic one (70W) with Sonus Faber Amator 2 and it's great. Never felt underpower but I don't really listen very loud. The Pathos Logos with 110W would also be a good match , I assume.
Sigh..we also cannot find Pathos here...

the next viable option is the Audio Research Vsi55... any comments?

Many Thanks