Why no Tori Amos

One last bit of pondering. Why was Tori Amos' "Little Earthquakes" album never given the star treatment it deserves? The album has great arrangements with full orchestration and is one of the best female singer/songwriter/pianist albums of the past few decades. I know she copied a lot of Kate Bush's style (as did Fiona Apple) but it IS a breakthrough album and atleast Kate was issued on Japanese.
Imin2u/Justlisten-I think Tori was appreciated around the time of Little Earthquakes especially here in the UK by the music press,she made the cover of Q magazine about 4 times since then and still gets decent coverage in the press over here.
I have a friend who's a big fan but personally I've never been over impressed by what I've heard.
She's clearly talented,her voice is quite uniquewhich may explain her lack of mass appeal but to my ears she could hardly be described as original nor at the musical standard of the likes of Kate Bush-it's night and day to me, Bush's work is at a much higher level and truly original to my ears,Tori seems like a talented magpie in comparison.
As regards her audience,it's quite common for many artists to get a decent level of success and neither maintain it nor grow it,it's particularly common in the modern day ,originality is virtually impossible and indeed artists get criticised for either not changing their style or for changing it.
As music fans we make these choices,we stay loyal to certain artists and give up on others and as such there is a lot of good music that goes unoticed because their sell by date has been judged to have passed.
As regards the wider public there is always the odd happening like Alanis Morrisette who simply captures the public imagination.
I think all things considered Tori has achieved the level of acclaim and success that an artist of her type can expect,the fact that she's lost a fair bit of her fan base is a question for those who gave up on her can only answer .
Tori Amos factoid she plays a Bösendorfer piano- if any one really cares.
Sorry, no offense but both Tori Amos and Sarah Mclachlan smoke Kate Bush. It doesn't matter who came first or who borrowed from who. I think they are all talented but, when you(or at least I) listen to the sounds/lyrics of all three artist.. Tori's and Sarah's voices are soul stirring while Kate's is not!! Kates sound just gets under my skin. I know everyone has an opinion... that just happens to be mine.
Peaks there is a problem with your logic (not your opinion as that's personal)if Tori Amos had never heard Kate Bush-what would she sound like?
She would have no style musically and indeed vocally she sounds at least inspired by Kate Bush.
So much so it is impossible in my mind to imagine what she would sound like.
One can always prefer an artist inspired by a previous artist but it DOES matter who came first.
I have to agree with Ben_Cambell. I've been listening atleast 4hr./day of music since 1966. Tori wouldn't exist AS SHE IS without Kate. And yes, Kate is a true musical genuis and a ground-breaking. Tori is a genius too but not ground breaking. (Except maybe "Little Earthquakes"). Sarah Mc. is useless in my book because she brings nothing new to the table.