goN' LPs at $10, I can buy for $0.18

I just wonder who would buy the piles of LPs listed in the classified that are common stuff. I can buy (and HAVE) many of these $10 wonders. I paid around $0.23 or $0.18 each for these LPs.
I mean stuff like Hall & Oats, Cars...(I got them all at $0.18 each)
I have like 2,000 LPs I paid under a quarter each for, as mint as can be! I COULD start listing them, trying to make a killing (as some seem to be trying to do), but I would be listing them at $1.00 and STILL feel I was robbing the blind.
I can understand the rarer MFSL etc, but the classifieds ads should have a charge for being placed, even $0.50, to cut the flood of junk filling the LP classified!!!
Seems like I struck a nerve with you, Elizabeth. Nowhere did I equate $300 wood knobs (They're actually $485, just so you know) with a $10 record. Nor did I state that their loaded, so take advantage of them. (You're really reaching there). What I did state is that some people work very hard so they don't have to get filthy digging through Thrift Stores. Their time is worth much more than the $9.82 that you saved. They value time, where you value your pennies. It's really a different mindset, one that I don't think you'll ever understand. Those that do, can afford the nicer things in life.

Best Wishes.
HA HAH Hah ha hah ha haha....
What can I possibly say...
Good luck!
One on the tenets of capitalism is "charge what the market will bear." The lp ads cost nothing to list and if one can foist off some of their useless titles, why not? Having been shopping and selling in the used lp market for nearly 30 years, I am amused when I see certain Audiogon sellers list and relist titles that quality used shops in Chicago would not even put in the racks for sale at any price.
Where's Slappy when you need him?

Happy Listening or buying or whatever you people are doing here!

I have the bank account to buy anything I want but since I am into this hobby, I still know what a decent price is for something that I truely want. And price does nto always mean quality.
I just hope that someday I'll be lucky enough to find that "mother lode" of LP's that I can buy for pennies per LP. Not much shows up in the thrifts around here 'cause most records have been gobbled up by collectors or the local used records stores or the blackhole of LP's. So I guess I'll have to start looking to estate sales or classifieds. But until then I still buy from my local used LP dealers and it seems that I pay about the same, maybe a few dollars less, as the asking price of many of the LP's listed here. I cannot buy small numbers of LPs without seeing what I'm getting so I don't buy used from the 'net.