Where do you find new music?

I'm not talking about the latest LP from the White Stripes or whoever, where do you get introduced to most of the new music that you end up buying?

Radio, friends homes, AudiogoN or catalogs like Acoustic Sounds or Music Direct are all options. What is your best resource.

P.S. I'm talking about introductions, not where you buy it.
Find out if "World Cafe" is broadcast in your area (on public radio). It's a great show that promotes a lot of new music (mostly what I would consider adult-oriented rock or adult alternative).
I'm lucky enough to have 88.5 WXPN Phili for the first half of my commute and 90.5 (WBJB?) "The Night" for the second half each morning. (And vv on the way home). Both are public radio stations that really explore the best unplayed and hardly played new singer-song-writers out there. I love it.
I go to Barnes & Noble. They let you listen to any cds you wish prior to buying.
www.wfmu.org or NJ West Orange 91.1;
anything that comes up with label Axiom, Nonsuch, Spoon, Discipline and certainly ECM.