Best Mahler Third

I have been listening this year to a new Mahler 3rd that now IMO is clearly best now available, Rattle/EMI. Those familiar with Mahler 2nd Rattle/EMI from 1987 know the fine readings Simon Rattle is capable of. This new 1998 3rd is sonically the best mahler recording I have heard, extreme dynamic range and powerful bass, delicate inner detail. My previous favorite was Horenstein/Unicorn, and I also own Bernstein/DG and have heard Salonen/Sony which also is great sound but average performance. Anyone else have a favorite or comment on Rattle/EMI 3rd?
Performance-wise, the best I've heard is the Levine/CSO version (late '70s, early '80s). I may be biased, but no one plays Mahler better than the CSO, with Herseth, Crisafoli (sp?) etc. brass section back then. Best 2nd of all I've heard was the Abaddo/CSO on DG. This again is performance, not sonics. Just my HO. Chris
Without a doubt the best sonically. However in the final movement I think that the long line disappears. Horenstein captures it. I also think that Levine does an excellent job but I'm biased when it comes to the CSO since I attended almost every performance in the 70's (including the performance that preceeded Levine's recording)
Time doesn't permit me much elaboration here. I would generally echo positive comments re CSO/Solti. A wonderful all-around Mahler 4 offering is a '92 Sony recording of the LA phil./Salonen/Barbara Hendricks. This is an especially natural sounding recording with none of the usual digital atrocities. I would like to discuss Mahler much more extensively if this thread continues.
PLS there is no doubt that Horenstein sustains the "long line" in the final movement better than anyone else. Magnificent sustained build up, kettle drums providing impressive drive and power, one of my favorite Mahler 3rds. It is a shame that there are not many Horenstein recordings available. Impossible to hear all versions, good to hear comments about other members favorite versions.