Best thread poster for 2001?

Who is the best thread poster for 2001. There have been some great posts during 2001. There seem to about 20 to 25 people who do a lot of the posting. All seem to have a great love of audio and a lot on knowledge and respect for others opinions. My vote would go to cfb.
I don’t have a favorite to post because you all have been so helpful to others and myself. I have learned sooo much by reading in all the forums. I spend a lot of time going through all the forums so I don't waste your time answering the same questions over and over. I sincerely thank all of you for the patience and very helpful information. I know it has saved me a lot of money and heartache.

May we all get more toys in 2002 and learn how to hide our receipts better. (OUCH)!
Happy New Year!
Sean - To the most well rounded knowledgable man to post on this forum; you teach us less knowledgeble folks much especially concerning the technical matters relating to audio.

CFB - for his wicked sense of humor (I do appreciate your way with words Kelly, you must be Irish, Right?)

Detlof - For your strong sense of knowing what constitutes well reproduced audio to your ears yet your thoughtful well meaning and encouraging words of support for all. Even when you disagree you do so with such grace.

SD Campbell - Your personal knowledge and passion for Jazz inspires us all who love this musical art form.

Albert Porter - Through time and experience the system above all others on this forum I would love to listen to especially when the room is completed. Geez he even had a thread devoted to this very topic.

There are MANY other posters that I value equally and although I mention the above it has more to do with their continuing and prolific contribution to this site. Their time and committment is admirable.

What has impressed me so much over the past year is how this forum has become much more helpful for all audiophiles and music lovers in improving their systems. It has been a year of growing for Audiogon and great credit should be given to Arnie and all the AG folks for having to make the tough choices and making them work towards a better more useful site. I wouldn't be where I am without ya'll. Thanks.

Will (the reluctant audiophile, I just HATE the word)
Summer holidays, and I am returning to this old haunt to find the same (mainly) bunch of crazy characters are still here. What's more they remember me!

This really is a fantastic site. I have met here some wonderful people, and several of them have been very helpful to me in one way or several - Jadem6, Dekay, Brulee, Albertporter, Sdcampbell, Garfish, Sean, Caterham1700, Slawney, Gregm, Lak, Sedond, Megasam, Subaruguru, .......
Thanks for the nice words, guys. It's been a privelege to be a regular participant on this forum, and it has brought me a lot of pleasure during the past year. Although I've never met any of you personally, I feel as though I know many of you. I noted in a post I made earlier today that I lost my job on December 31st, so I guess I'll have more spare time to plague all of you with my comments . I have a couple of posts I've been working on about jazz -- and I'll try to get them posted by this coming weekend. My votes for "best poster" would have to be based on choosing those people who have really expanded my own knowledge. There are lot of worthy nominees, but my "tip of the hat" goes to Sean, Albertporter, Dekay, Garfish, and Sugarbrie. And on a purely personal note, I'd also like to thank Joe Trelli for the personal E-mails he has sent me this year. I look forward to sharing our hobby during the New Year.
It's pretty obvious who the heavyweights are after spending some time here. On a personal note I don't know where I'd be with out the lot of you. Keep up the good work in 2002. Best wishes to all and thanks for the memories! Words can't describe how much fun I've had the last year at this web-site.

One last thing to clear the slate. I would like to apologize for any comments I made last year that were offensive especially one or two comments to jeffloistarca. Sometimes I don't know when to quit.