Best thread poster for 2001?

Who is the best thread poster for 2001. There have been some great posts during 2001. There seem to about 20 to 25 people who do a lot of the posting. All seem to have a great love of audio and a lot on knowledge and respect for others opinions. My vote would go to cfb.
Summer holidays, and I am returning to this old haunt to find the same (mainly) bunch of crazy characters are still here. What's more they remember me!

This really is a fantastic site. I have met here some wonderful people, and several of them have been very helpful to me in one way or several - Jadem6, Dekay, Brulee, Albertporter, Sdcampbell, Garfish, Sean, Caterham1700, Slawney, Gregm, Lak, Sedond, Megasam, Subaruguru, .......
Thanks for the nice words, guys. It's been a privelege to be a regular participant on this forum, and it has brought me a lot of pleasure during the past year. Although I've never met any of you personally, I feel as though I know many of you. I noted in a post I made earlier today that I lost my job on December 31st, so I guess I'll have more spare time to plague all of you with my comments . I have a couple of posts I've been working on about jazz -- and I'll try to get them posted by this coming weekend. My votes for "best poster" would have to be based on choosing those people who have really expanded my own knowledge. There are lot of worthy nominees, but my "tip of the hat" goes to Sean, Albertporter, Dekay, Garfish, and Sugarbrie. And on a purely personal note, I'd also like to thank Joe Trelli for the personal E-mails he has sent me this year. I look forward to sharing our hobby during the New Year.
It's pretty obvious who the heavyweights are after spending some time here. On a personal note I don't know where I'd be with out the lot of you. Keep up the good work in 2002. Best wishes to all and thanks for the memories! Words can't describe how much fun I've had the last year at this web-site.

One last thing to clear the slate. I would like to apologize for any comments I made last year that were offensive especially one or two comments to jeffloistarca. Sometimes I don't know when to quit.
I really enjoy 99% of the posters @ this site (what a bunch of nutty butties:-), but my hat goes off (it's and "Iowa" cap actually) to Richard of Vantage Audio and Ken of Greater Ranges/Neuance for their invaluable advice that has always been spot on.
Wish my memory for names was better, so I'll just thank you all for helping me navigate my way to building a reference system that is continuing to change my life.
I hit 1/2 century this year, and am seeing my tiny used-Subie business drop precipitously as many folks are lured by low-interest schemes for new cars, so I'm trying really hard to give myself permission to let go of the grindstone a bit and both listen to music (live as well) and pound my Steinway more. I bought sheet music for all of the Beethoven variations, sonatas, and even the Liszt etudes (what masochism!) while on vacation last week. Should keep me busy at least past the end of the two-channel era, eh?
Thanks especially to Ken, Sugarbrie, RedKiwi, Sean, Kelly, BobC, and a multitude of others in our menagerie.
A Better 2002 to All! Ernie