Two systems? Why?

I mentioned on another thread that I have two completely different systems, one for HT and one for music. I wonder how many of y'all have taken that approach. Anyone care to comment on your systems and how they differ?

I'll start off.
My HT system: Paradigm Reference Studio 100 v2 mains, Reference CC, Reference ADP surrounds, and Servo 15 sub; Parasound 2500u pre/pro; Parasound 2205AT amp; Toshiba SD5700 DVD; Sony CX90ES CD jukebox; Monster cables.

My music system: JM Lab Mezzo Utopia speakers; Belles 350A amp; Rega Jupiter 2000 CD; various cables. No vinyl and no tubes (gasp).

Persons familiar with this gear will see clearly that I am seeking two quite different goals with these systems.

Others take a moment to share?
I have two systems for one simple reason: I like to listen to music while I work (home office system) as well as while I'm not (living room system). In my case, I have no TV and, obviously, no home theatre. Both my systems are plain, two-channel audio.

LR System: Thorens TD-125 mk II with Grace 707 arm, Reson Reca cartridge; Sony X779ES CD player; SAE tuner; Meitner PA-6i preamp; Meitner MTR-101 monoblocs; Tannoy System 12 DMT II speakers; Museatex cryogenic interconnects and speaker cable.

By no means ultra high-end, price-wise (everything but phono cartridge and some cables purchased used), but satisfies me.

Office System: Pioneer PD-91 (as transport); Monarchy 18B DAC; Bryston 11B preamp; Meitner STR-55 power amp; Tannoy System 12 DMT I speakers; XLO Pro 1200 speaker cable; Belden and Canare StarQuad cables for interconnects.
I have 2 systems

Main Home System:

Pass Labs x-250, x-1, Thiel 2.3's, Sony SCD-1

Bed Room System:

Grado RS-2, RA-1, Denon dcd-1650ar
yes ed the 930 is a car. i have 2 cars one 91 911 turbo and an 85 928s . i love cars as much as stereo, but that hobby can get even more out of hand than audio, because of mantenince and tire wear, etc. i bet you have alot of fun running on the track. thanks for your response on my email as well.
I'm ENVIOUS Kirk930 ! I have a poa-boy '97 miata (red w/chromewire wheels) and a '96 tippy-trooper.

Strangely, I find that hustling the high revving stick-shift tippy-truck through city traffic is ALMOST as much fun as driving the miata. Probably the best driving instruction in the world. It's done wonders for my sense of throttle and chassis balance.
After trying to make a hybrid system work, I separated the music gear from the HT. My two systems are as follows:

Pioneer DVL700
Sony SAT Tivo/DSS
Marantz AV550
ATI AT1505
NHT SuperOnes and SuperZeros

Theta Pearl transport
Bel Canto DAC 1.1
Blue Circle BC21
Blue Circle BC22
ProAc Tablette 50 Signatures

Both systems share the same NHT SW3P subwoofer. I just switch cables and adjust the crossover when I bounce between movies and music.