What is your "evaluation cd"?

I know every time I change a cable or componet, I have a "particular" cd that I play to evaluate the change. It may not be the best sounding cd I own, but it has some merit that I want to hear reflected in EVERY cd I play. What are yours??
I took a lot of my favorite tracks and compiled them on one CDR, with a bit of everything from solo piano to some heavy electronic, it's really useful especially if you go to a dealer to listen. I can just pop in one CD and get an idea of what a system sounds like with a big variety of music.
When I am interested solely in evaluating an audio component, or doing an A-B comparison, I frequently use the Burmester CD#2. Otherwise, I have a group of jazz and symphonic LP recordings that I have listened to for years and know all of their nuances.
The Sea and Cake "Fawn"
Marc Ribot "Los Cubanos Postivos"
Recently, Wilco "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot"

All have electric and acoustic instruments, good soundstaging and great engineering.

For enjoyment of a great recording, I also like to listen to my Burmester discs. However, this is not what I put on first when I upgrade. The first thing I do when I make a change in my system is get my wife, put her in the primary listening position and put on our wedding song. It's my way of saying thank you for tolerating my obsession. This is not an inexpensive hobby. While my wife certainly appreciates good sound much more than she had previously, I recognize that this is my hobby not hers. So maybe it's a bit corny, but I do appreciate the fact that she does not give me grief when I indulge myself.