Best equip stands

Heard mana is pretty good.Any others?Do these really make a difference.Any great and effective surge suppressors that does not veil the sound?
Tireguy, you are correct about the "coupling", or what we call "resonance energy transfer", not being "isolation" as most would use the word. However, many people use that term descriptively to try to describe the effects that they are hearing, regarding the improvements provided by reducing unwanted vibrational energy interfering with their systems. I think in this case, it was merely a semantic issue.

When you try out the Sistrum platforms, please allow some time for them to "settle" after you put the equipment on them. It takes a little time for them to "dig in" the points(from weight bearing) into the floor for best effect(or use coupling discs for floor protection). You can observe improvement over the first few days of use, beyond what you hear in the first few minutes. If you use them under a DVD player or TV, you can also observe the picture quality improving, which gives further credence to the benefits of Sistrum products in wide-ranging applications. We have numerous customers who use Sistrum for video equiment, and it was even recently noticed by a reviewer(in a forthcoming audio magazine review) in his combo CD/DVD player, and we didn't even tell him about that. He noticed it all by himself. It will also work well under a TV, or under a video projector. There is a list of folks who have actually watched their TV pictures get progressively better over the course of a weekend. The same is true with audio, and it takes about a weekend, at least. You'll hear improvements right away, but it gets better later.

Whether you actually prefer it over other brands is strictly up to your own preference. I think you will like it, but be aware that it does increase the resolution of your equipment, and any "warts" which might not have been heard before, will also be heard along with the improvements. This is the case with any improvement in system resolution, and I'm sure you're aware of that.

You can use the same SP-1 platforms under any of your equipment, including speakers(if they fit), and can hear/see which ones make the most difference. Most people try the amps first, but source equipment is a close second. Put 2 of the platform feet under the heavy end of the component, where the transformers are(usually the back), and this typically works best. If you have any isolation anywhere in the path between the bottom of the component and the floor(above or below the platform), you will defeat some/all of the performance of the platform, so use it exclusively when you try it under each component.

Have fun!
I highly reccomend Grand Prix Audio. There racks and amp stands really took my system to a higher level.
TWL makes a very good point regarding the cautionary break-in period. Something I don't believe is much of an issue with other racking systems that adhere to the isolation/dampening aka de-coupling methodology.

However, in my experience with 'resonance energy transfer' styled racking systems, the initial sonic improvements are typically marginal at best. It is only after the initial 7 to 10 day mechanical break-in period that the sonic improvements become quite substantial. And sonic improvements can continue well beyond the first 7 - 10 days.

This mechanincal break-in period should imply that performance comparisons between racking systems/platforms really needs to be a rather long and painstaking effort.

Even moving a fully broken-in coupling-styled racking system to a different location (even 2 inches) can take 4 days or more for break-in to occur again.

In other words, if one were to compare the performance of say a Sistrum rack to that of a Grand Prix Monaco rack and if each rack is in place for only a day or so, then the comparison testing is really rather meaningless and certainly inconclusive.

The owner of Mapleshade certainly makes some claims about the use of maple as a very effective coupling material. He has some gorgeous, VERY impressive equipment racks... ...that I'll soon be copying, as the 2 I want would cost me about $2K.