Best equip stands

Heard mana is pretty good.Any others?Do these really make a difference.Any great and effective surge suppressors that does not veil the sound?
TWL makes a very good point regarding the cautionary break-in period. Something I don't believe is much of an issue with other racking systems that adhere to the isolation/dampening aka de-coupling methodology.

However, in my experience with 'resonance energy transfer' styled racking systems, the initial sonic improvements are typically marginal at best. It is only after the initial 7 to 10 day mechanical break-in period that the sonic improvements become quite substantial. And sonic improvements can continue well beyond the first 7 - 10 days.

This mechanincal break-in period should imply that performance comparisons between racking systems/platforms really needs to be a rather long and painstaking effort.

Even moving a fully broken-in coupling-styled racking system to a different location (even 2 inches) can take 4 days or more for break-in to occur again.

In other words, if one were to compare the performance of say a Sistrum rack to that of a Grand Prix Monaco rack and if each rack is in place for only a day or so, then the comparison testing is really rather meaningless and certainly inconclusive.

The owner of Mapleshade certainly makes some claims about the use of maple as a very effective coupling material. He has some gorgeous, VERY impressive equipment racks... ...that I'll soon be copying, as the 2 I want would cost me about $2K.
Thank you TWL for explaining what my limited vocabulary couldn't articulate about your stands. And, thank you for mentioning the most important point about the sistrum stand that it takes 3-5 days to settle in. I am still amazed how good the sound was after a few days. My comment of perfect isolation came about from blasting bass heavy rock and putting my hands on my monoblock amplifiers and feeling very little vibration. Lastly, I like the fact the stands keep the amps low in the soundstage so not to affect the imaging.
I am of the belief that putting a Sistrum rack between my speakers actually improved the imaging and the center stage.Tom, I am Starsound dealer.