Tube Buffer

Does anyone out there understand what a tube buffer does? I have one (X-10v3)and it seems to amplify a bit. Maybe something else. I ususally leave it on because it sounds better with my solid state system.
hi, i dit it before when i put it between amp and pre amp it add too much distotion , i think it works great between cd player and preamp

The results would vary depending on the input impedance of the particular amp used as well as its input sensitivity. It may not have worked well with your particular gear, but it may work very well in another system that provides a better impedance/sensitivity match...
Wow, not very complete answers here. A buffer, be it tube, or transistor, presents the driving component with a very high impedance, making it super easy to drive, particularly for the IC based output stages of inexpensive CD players and DVD players. In addition, it has a very low output impedance, which makes it very good at driving the input of the receiving component, as well as minimizing the effects of long interconnect runs. I beleve that the MF has one db of gain, which is incidental, but it will make it a tich louder. As mentioned, there will be a change in the distortion spectra, though these are generally pretty low distortion devices. Any active device, and the extra cable required to implement it will change the sound.
It fully inverts a signal i.e. adds 100% feedback and has no gain.
It certainly compresses and makes the output more linear.

One piece of equipment or even played recording mignt or might not benefit from this device depending again on the quality as it was mentioned above about inexpencive CD-players or any other components.