Auditioned Innersound gear

Had the opportunity to audition the Innersound Eros mk2 ESL's with their new, active xover bass amp, and ESL amp. All I can say is ..............speachless. You have just got to give this a listen, SIMPLY ASTONISHING!!
And to you too, Plato--I'll bring that Basis clamp with me for you to try out if you don't pick it up before then. Let me know when they're in!
Rick: You should probably call Roger at Innersound for that answer, as it's probably a long one. As you know, Roger is a delight to speak with anyway; who knows, maybe we can get him to come to another NJAS meeting, given our many Innersound owners!
The Mk III now has patented composite stators instead of perforated metal, with a lifetime guarantee on the panels. The stators look different as, instead of holes, they have slots (of about 2mm wide). Based on the photos, they look even more transparent than the original perforated metal stators.

Wood trim (3 types inc. Cherry) is now a no cost option and a cloth grill is used over the woofer instead of perforated metal.

Not sure if there are any other changes - there could well be minor tweeks. Price has increased
to US$6,995, mainly due to the cost of the composite stators.