buzzzzz, where did i go wrong?

The setup:
spectral monoblock amps
spectral preamp
theta front end

4 separate circuits each with fuses jumped off the main box and grounded to the main box
one circuit for each monoblock
one for the preamp
one for the digital front end (MIT power conditioning)

the amps and preamp each share a supplemental grounding rod. The digital end has its own supplemental ground rod
The outlets are all FIM880. These do not have an isolated ground (could that be the problem?)

I still have a buzz.low but audible; it goes away when I lift the ground from my amps. I assume I have a ground loop but I am not sure how or what I do about it. I assume I have made some awful basic error but not sure how.
I know for instance from the posts that Garfish uses three supplemental grounding rods. Maybe I should have tied all those together? any other ideas
Dear all,
thanks for all your inputs. I am unfortunately on the graveyard shift but as soon as I get home I will examine my various panels and subpanels and try to figure it out. I am a bit unsure whether I should be examining high volatage electrical panels after having been up all night but what is life without a little risk.
Sean, on the email I sent you that I think you didn't get I mentioned that some friends and I will be in Chicago on May 8-10 and I think we are going to wrigley on the 9th. Maybe you would like to join us since I think that is where you are from! You can reply by email or whatever. Tix are I think $26 plus tixmaster's damn fee.
you know, after lifting all the grounds with cheater plugs except for one (the preamp) I still have a small buzz as well as a hiss. I think after I finish the regrounding stuff I will have to shut off every breaker in the house testing each one, one by one to see if any of them are contributing. There are several halogens as well as several lutron dimmers about. If I throw the breakers with those lights and dimmers does that mean they can no longer be a problem?
Also, using a multimeter is there a way to test a cable to see if it is faulty as well as the expedident of listening to it? I am wondering if the problem isn't internal to my rig. what about other multimeter uses?
JD, you can try to measure the resistance between the various grounds. You can go from the ground on the breaker box to each individual rod and see what resistance that you get. If you get readings that are all very close, that is a good thing. The further apart the readings are, the more potential for hum and ground loops. This will also verify that you have a good connection from the box to each individual rod.

Another test is to measure from one ground rod to another ground rod. This will measure the conductivity of the soil around each individual rod. Obviously, the lower the reading, the more conductive the Earth. It is possible to have rods located within just a few feet of each other and have VERY different levels of conductivity. I recently did some digging around my house and found that i had a very high clay content in one section. Moving over just a few feet showed very little to no clay. Obviously, this would make a BIG difference in terms of conductivity and ground potential. Sean
Although I am armed and with a multimeter I am rather one the level of one who has just enough knowledge to get himself in trouble. So, in order to check resistance, do I simply turn the meter to the ohm symbol and touch the rods with the red and black probes?
DOes the power have to be off to those circuits? Since teh rids are quite a bit distant from each other I assume I can attach jumpers of copper wire to the rods and touch those.
I actually today tried to check teh resistance at the outlet level by putting the red and the black into the common and the ground hole on the outlet. I was not sure if the power should have been on or off to the outlet but I got a number less than one.
It also turns out they use in California something called harmonic transmission which I may have to investigate.
JD, i would first try isolating the conduit from the audio system as you mentioned. If that does not solve the problem ( which i think it might ), then let's take it from there. Having ground rods spaced out quite a distance lends itself to different levels of ground conductivity as mentioned above. One would have to work on either equalizing the ground potential or tying them together so that they share a common path in order to minimize any differences. Sean