those F'n price stickers on jewel cases...

hey, i found something that will actually take the price tag goo off used cd jewel cases, w/out clouding/melting them...... BUG-N-TAR REMOVER for cars. one wipe and it's AGON...
Gunk brand bug and tar remover is basically highly refined kerosine. Number 7 brand contains Xylene, which I would not want near an LP. Other brands use Naphtha, the same ingredient in Gulf (Chevron now?) charcoal lighter.

Chances are all these are good for cleaning a CD case, and if you choose wrong, a new one is available for pennies at Best Buy or Comp USA.

The Bestine solvent was manufactured in the 1920's for artists doing paste up with rubber cement. Much of the stickers and labels today, even some of the 3M spray adhesives are softened and removed by Bestine.

My reason for suggesting it so strongly is the fact that I have such a long record of it's safety around artwork, LP's and general glue removal. No doubt there are countless petro-solvents that work, I just don't know their long term track record safety wise.
Here's one you won't believe. Just a drop of olive oil, let it sit a couple of minutes, and it floats off.
Try "Goo Gone" which is a cirtus oil based product available
at most major stores... works like a champ on stickers, chewing gum etc. I have been using it for about 10 years now in my retail store.