Believers VS. nonbelievers???? GEEzzzzz

Curious how certain products elicit praise from one body and "I can't believe you fall for that snake oil..." from others.
I have a hard time believing some of the stuff (the WORST example is the "Tice Clock" from the early 90's, that you just had to have in the same room!!!)but in general, some of the protesters are ranting on "general priciples" and never tried the stuff/thing in question...(I myself was in that category on power cords till I tried one) and even if they did, it may not have been effective on thier particular system, but just what was needed on someone elses.
What I am trying to say in a half formed way is that an honest concern about a product and trying to help guide other away from the "stupid mods" is a difficult path to walk. And since we are all experts and know all there is to know about "audiophilia" maybe we could be more modest in damning stuff others think is worth doing. Rather consider that it may be a path of exploration we choose not to follow now. To say "I haven't explored that but I don't think it's worth trying" vs "you are crazy to think that works and a fool for trying it." is a BIG gap.
Any comments?????
Sorry Detlof,I can't agree at all in this instance.It's the body of his "work" that defines this fellow.
A single post isn't going to change my opinion of his tactics nor credibility.Don't you find it significant that the tenor of his posts changes only now?

Polemics aside, aren't many of us thankful for tweaks suggested by others? I am, I ENJOY trying them out and dare humbly submit that many work... (i dare'nt say all & get kicked out of the site).
Regarding science vs voodoo: Jostler3, have you considered that appropriate research COULD provide scientific explanation to alleged differences in sound --- what? all that money for the sake of a few audiophiles??? example I know about: PCords, mentioned in an earlier post. A few years ago, Public Hospitals in France went on-line, and started experimenting in telesurgery. They started raising hell about signals alteration and losses relating to the cabling that linked receiving ends, further claiming that something was wrong with the PPCs power supply and related cabling. The french PPC first refused responsibility claiming ITS networks checked out fine...but as pressure continued (no hi-end alchemists here), they put a team of researchers on the case. Bingo! they discovered that passive (and active) conductors do influence the signal even at low voltage /wattage due to losses related to the cabling surface (can't give you more sci spec, though. I just read the article).
And this is a true story.
I think we have rat holed on Jostler3 enough. The Tice clock was the perfect example. I would offer up the "two dimes and quarter on the front corner of the speaker tweak" as being just as worthless as a sound improvement as the Tice Clock, but a hell of a lot cheaper to implement. People that heard that difference must of had really good hearing. I seem to recall something about safety pins in certain corners of your speaker's fabric but can't remember the name of it. Do you have others? Now I'll stray off the topic to add another thread topic and here is the preview. I think certain tools which do produce tweak results sounding better are extremely benificiencial but needless expensive for one person to buy. For instance, some friends and I share certain items fluxbusters, winds stylist gauge, mobies, TT strobe speed checkers even green pens.

I remember auditioning the Tice clock and quite frankly, it had an effect not unlike what can be had currently by inserting one or 2 Audioprism Quietline passive shunt filters into the mains circuit(ie- slightly quieter background, increased depth, and somewhat improved tonal contrasts/colours).
I have a friend that purchased one back then who still swears by it and has demonstrated its effect to me and others on several occassions.
I feel it received the bad reputation mostly due to the hype surrounding its release and accusations of charlatanism by sceptics like our dear Jostler.Recall that it came out just as the effects of line conditioning and cable were still in their infancy.
The effect was small and of questionable dollar to results value but nontheless an audible one.
There were shortly afterwards rumours being spread that the identical looking (black rather than white case) RS clock from which Tice used as the vehicle for whatever was done inside had a similar effect.
I also tried the RS unit and heard no effect whatsoever.Tice's reputation was nearly destroyed by folks who would not even try to audition or hear for themselves because of their narrow minded biases yet would be quite vocal and malicious in their slander.
To this day I do not know what Tice's TPT is and do not own Tice products but I do not question that the Tice clock actually did something, whether the *promotion* of it was fanciful advertising, my perception that the amount charged was out of line with its benefit or that the disturbing concept of a cheap alarm clock making sonic improvements was just too bizarre to accept.
