How many AudiogoNers are amateur chefs?

I know this is WAY off topic, but I am curious as to how many of you folks fancy yourselves as amateur chefs. I ask this as I just completed my first day of culinary school. This is not a school for training pros (we meet on Fridays for the day), but for those folks who want to become better cooks, learning to prepare menus, pairing foods and wines, etc. I still have my full-time profession, so this is for home.
Food, wine, fancy speaker cables...

I'm betting there are plenty of amateur chefs here. Count me as one more.
Tom, do you do all your cooking in one of those 23cm full-range pots?

I remain
I learned to cook as a bachelor, it was a great, and cheap date deal to get them to your house and prepare the, married, I find I do quite well.

The best thing I do is combine the things I like into a meal, so I'm never dissatisfied with what I eat...fortunately for me hewife has similar food tastes!

BTW I'll put my breakfasts against any of the best places you can name.....can someone say lobster, garlic, onion and brie omletts??
It's all in the stock. The basic staple of great cooking: brown stock. BTW, if you chop your onions and have juice on your cutting board; you blew it. Read The Making of a Chef. peace, warren
I got in to cooking several years ago - just to see if I could make some interesting dishes. I try to cook up something special at least once each weekend. I find it interesting and quite entertaining.

Best thing I stumbled across: *Cooks Illustrated* magazine. It comes out 6x per year and is well produced. No ads. The articles explain not only *how* but *why* - - if you haven't seen this publication, look for it. You won't be disappointed.