How many AudiogoNers are amateur chefs?

I know this is WAY off topic, but I am curious as to how many of you folks fancy yourselves as amateur chefs. I ask this as I just completed my first day of culinary school. This is not a school for training pros (we meet on Fridays for the day), but for those folks who want to become better cooks, learning to prepare menus, pairing foods and wines, etc. I still have my full-time profession, so this is for home.
Cooking is fun to be sure. I do a fair bit of it... lately been into Cambodian a lot, and some other asian cuisines. I *really* enjoy making sushi. I learned how, and then taught most of my friends who are also sushi addicts. Now, we rotate sushi parties once every few weeks at each others houses. A great time, and WAY cheaper than going out for sushi.

The person that i was speaking about has already responded to this thread ( quite humbly i might add ). For the record and just to keep the rest of you guessing, NO, it was NOT Matty with his balogna sandwiches : ) Sean

PS... why is it spelled like you would say it bah-log-na when we call it "buh-low-nee" ??? Must be won of dem dare fouren based werds : )
I live where I can go from cold sesame noodles in Chinatown to LeBernadin in a flash. But every once in awhile, give me a good tube steak with all the fixings or a Cheesburger, cheeseburger; and I'm in heaven. Also, if you don't leave in or near (enough to get into the city) the Big Apple, you haven't a clue what amazing pizza is. Still the best deal going ($), wise in the food kingdom. I'm getting hungry. bona petit, warren
Craig, you caught me. When I can, I use a 25cm single skillet for my meals. I only use well-seasoned cast iron cookware. Nothing sticks to it. I think it is unbeatable.

So now you know that I'm a single pan guy, as well as a single driver speaker guy! I am also single in marital status, I like single-ended triodes, only use a single source in my system, use all single-ended cables, and I do most things single-handed(DIY).

I guess that makes me single-minded. :^)

I tried some of those expensive French tin-lined copper pans, but I didn't like them as much as the cast iron. And I only cook over a gas flame. No electric stoves for this boy. However, I'm curious if an audiophile power cord on an electric stove would make the food taste better.