What does Flat Earth mean in audio circles?

I have seen several references to Flat Earthers. My impression is that brands such as Naim, Linn, and Mana are associated, but why? What are they talking about?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Flat earthers believe it when they hear it. Others believe whatever they hear.
I thought I was a borderline flat earther until the definition having once owned both Naim and Linn at the same time. I also believe in Pace Rhythm and Timing and singel speaker set demonstrations. I question double blind testing because one has to say this is better than that without taking in the whole presentation.

Now I'm not sure what flat earth means is it a company or a thought pattern.

Trust your ears they are never wrong. Even if you are hearing the summation of many wrongs
If the earth wasn't flat (i.e. if it was indeed round) we'd have trouble keeping our balance and frequently fall for no apparent reason. This phenomena does occur though, usually when one is impaired. Whether or not the earth is flat or round loses it's mystique when your face is up against a dirty brass rail at the foot of a bar. Time for my meds...
i always thought it was the segment of audiofiles who prefered to buy, restore or just listen to vintage equipment
We need to ask Art Dudley. In the October S'phile, while discussing the Simaudio Moon i-3 integrated, he says, "Here was a product that could satisfy both the flat-earthers and the high-end snootyphile camps..."

I think that Art is referring to those, like him, who care about getting the beats right (the Linn and Naim school) and such things as opposed to those care about--what?--imaging and soundstaging, I guess.

Aside: remember the inaugural issue of Fi? Big editiorial position taken against the value of soundstaging, as if that was how Fi was going to position itself vs. the rest of the audio mags. As if anyone would care. Didn't bode well.